Accuracy assessment of GEDI terrain elevation and canopy height estimates in European temperate forests: Influence of environmental and acquisition parameters
Lidar remote sensing has proven to be a powerful tool for estimating ground elevation,
canopy height, and additional vegetation parameters, which in turn are valuable information …
canopy height, and additional vegetation parameters, which in turn are valuable information …
Compensatory growth of Scots pine seedlings mitigates impacts of multiple droughts within and across years
Tree seedling resistance to and recovery from abiotic stressors such as drought and
warming are crucial for forest regeneration and persistence. Selection of more resilient …
warming are crucial for forest regeneration and persistence. Selection of more resilient …
Dynamics of diameter and height increment of Norway spruce and Scots pine in southern Finland
Key message Onset and cessation of radial and height increment of Norway spruce (Picea
abies (L.) Karst.) and Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) in southern Finland were independent …
abies (L.) Karst.) and Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) in southern Finland were independent …
[HTML][HTML] Carbon pools in old-growth Scots pine stands in hemiboreal Latvia
Old-growth forests are widely recognised for the benefits they provide for biodiversity;
however, a more comprehensive understanding of their role in climate change mitigation …
however, a more comprehensive understanding of their role in climate change mitigation …
Social media photo content for Sierra Nevada: a dataset to support the assessment of cultural ecosystem services in protected areas
A Ros Candeira, R Moreno Llorca, D Alcaraz Segura… - 2020 - digibug.ugr.es
This dataset provides crowd-sourced and georeferenced information useful for the
assessment of cultural ecosystem services in the Sierra Nevada Biosphere Reserve …
assessment of cultural ecosystem services in the Sierra Nevada Biosphere Reserve …
[PDF][PDF] Availability of biomass for energy purposes in Nordic and Baltic countries: land areas and biomass amounts
This review compiles information on the current state of the forests and analyses the
potential of forest fuels for energy purposes in Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden, Estonia …
potential of forest fuels for energy purposes in Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden, Estonia …
Productivity of local Norway spruce clones relates to weather sensitivity of height increment in the eastern Baltic region
In the eastern Baltic region, Norway spruce (Picea abies) is predicted to decrease in
abundance, resulting in substantial economic consequences. Such predictions have been …
abundance, resulting in substantial economic consequences. Such predictions have been …
Direct and carry-over effects of temperature drive height increment of Scots pine in the North-Eastern Baltic Sea region
In the eastern Baltic region, the abundance of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) has been
predicted to shift due to changes in height growth and competitiveness. Under such …
predicted to shift due to changes in height growth and competitiveness. Under such …
[PDF][PDF] Rocky pine forests in the High Coast Region in Sweden: Structure, dynamics and history
Almost all forests in Sweden are managed and only a small fraction are considered natural.
One exception is low productive forests where, due to their limited economical value, natural …
One exception is low productive forests where, due to their limited economical value, natural …
[PDF][PDF] Influence of lammas shoots on height of young Scots pines in Latvia.
Scots pine is a commercially important tree species in northern Europe. Climate changes in
combination with genetics cause differences in the tree growth rhythm, including the …
combination with genetics cause differences in the tree growth rhythm, including the …