On the paradox of thriving cold‐water coral reefs in the food‐limited deep sea
The deep sea is amongst the most food‐limited habitats on Earth, as only a small fraction (<
4%) of the surface primary production is exported below 200 m water depth. Here, cold …
4%) of the surface primary production is exported below 200 m water depth. Here, cold …
Heterotrophy in marine animal forests in an era of climate change
Marine animal forests (MAFs) are benthic ecosystems characterised by biogenic three‐
dimensional structures formed by suspension feeders such as corals, gorgonians, sponges …
dimensional structures formed by suspension feeders such as corals, gorgonians, sponges …
Climate‐induced changes in the suitable habitat of cold‐water corals and commercially important deep‐sea fishes in the North Atlantic
The deep sea plays a critical role in global climate regulation through uptake and storage of
heat and carbon dioxide. However, this regulating service causes warming, acidification and …
heat and carbon dioxide. However, this regulating service causes warming, acidification and …
Macro-and microplastics affect cold-water corals growth, feeding and behaviour
L Chapron, E Peru, A Engler, JF Ghiglione… - Scientific reports, 2018 - nature.com
Plastic contamination is now recognized as one of the most serious environmental issues for
oceans. Both macro-and microplastic debris are accumulating in surface and deep waters …
oceans. Both macro-and microplastic debris are accumulating in surface and deep waters …
Coral mucus fuels the sponge loop in warm-and cold-water coral reef ecosystems
Shallow warm-water and deep-sea cold-water corals engineer the coral reef framework and
fertilize reef communities by releasing coral mucus, a source of reef dissolved organic matter …
fertilize reef communities by releasing coral mucus, a source of reef dissolved organic matter …
Effects of acute microplastic exposure on physiological parameters in Tubastrea aurea corals
B Liao, J Wang, B **ao, X Yang, Z **e, D Li, C Li - Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2021 - Elsevier
Pollution of marine environments with microplastic particles has increased rapidly during the
last few decades and its impact on marine lives have recently gained attention in both public …
last few decades and its impact on marine lives have recently gained attention in both public …
Interactive Effects of Ocean Acidification and Warming on Growth, Fitness and Survival of the Cold-Water Coral Lophelia pertusa under Different Food Availabilities
JV Büscher, AU Form, U Riebesell - Frontiers in Marine Science, 2017 - frontiersin.org
Cold-water corals are important bioengineers that provide structural habitat for a diverse
species community. About 70% of the presently known scleractinian cold-water corals are …
species community. About 70% of the presently known scleractinian cold-water corals are …
The global significance of Scleractinian corals without photoendosymbiosis
Globally tropical Scleractinian corals have been a focal point for discussions on the impact
of a changing climate on marine ecosystems and biodiversity. Research into tropical …
of a changing climate on marine ecosystems and biodiversity. Research into tropical …
[HTML][HTML] The effect of flow speed and food size on the capture efficiency and feeding behaviour of the cold-water coral Lophelia pertusa
The capture efficiency and feeding behaviour of the cold-water coral (CWC) Lophelia
pertusa (Linnaeus, 1758) were investigated considering:(1) different food types,(2) different …
pertusa (Linnaeus, 1758) were investigated considering:(1) different food types,(2) different …
Opportunistic feeding on various organic food sources by the cold-water coral Lophelia pertusa
CE Mueller, AI Larsson, B Veuger, JJ Middelburg… - …, 2014 - bg.copernicus.org
The ability of the cold-water coral Lophelia pertusa to exploit different food sources was
investigated under standardized conditions in a flume. The tested food sources, dissolved …
investigated under standardized conditions in a flume. The tested food sources, dissolved …