A review of past and projected changes in Australia's rainfall
There has been much attention given to the spatial and temporal characteristics of changes
in mean and extreme rainfall over Australia during the past century. As Australia is the …
in mean and extreme rainfall over Australia during the past century. As Australia is the …
The capacity of refugia for conservation planning under climate change
Refugia–areas that may facilitate the persistence of species during large‐scale, long‐term
climatic change–are increasingly important for conservation planning. There are many …
climatic change–are increasingly important for conservation planning. There are many …
[HTML][HTML] What makes a place special? Understanding drivers and the nature of place attachment
Place attachment is a key factor in understanding human-nature interactions; Research has
shown that place attachment and its influence on environmental behaviour can be positive …
shown that place attachment and its influence on environmental behaviour can be positive …
[HTML][HTML] A short history of the future: Australian climate projections 1987–2015
This paper describes the history of national climate change projections for Australia since
1987, with a focus on the series of statements in 1992, 1996, 2001, 2007 and 2015. These …
1987, with a focus on the series of statements in 1992, 1996, 2001, 2007 and 2015. These …
Future fire danger climatology for Tasmania, Australia, using a dynamically downscaled regional climate model
Daily values of McArthur Forest Fire Danger Index were generated at~ 10-km resolution over
Tasmania, Australia, from six dynamically downscaled CMIP3 climate models for 1961 …
Tasmania, Australia, from six dynamically downscaled CMIP3 climate models for 1961 …
Realised added value in dynamical downscaling of Australian climate change
Coarse resolution global climate models (GCMs) cannot resolve fine-scale drivers of
regional climate, which is the scale where climate adaptation decisions are made. Regional …
regional climate, which is the scale where climate adaptation decisions are made. Regional …
On the uncertainties associated with using gridded rainfall data as a proxy for observed
Gridded rainfall datasets are used in many hydrological and climatological studies, in
Australia and elsewhere, including for hydroclimatic forecasting, climate attribution studies …
Australia and elsewhere, including for hydroclimatic forecasting, climate attribution studies …
Alternative stable states and the role of fire–vegetation–soil feedbacks in the temperate wilderness of southwest Tasmania
Two ecological models have been put forward to explain the dynamics of fire-promoting and
fire-sensitive vegetation in southwest Tasmania: the alternative stable states model of …
fire-sensitive vegetation in southwest Tasmania: the alternative stable states model of …
A regionalisation approach for rainfall based on extremal dependence
To mitigate the risk posed by extreme rainfall events, we require statistical models that
reliably capture extremes in continuous space with dependence. However, assuming a …
reliably capture extremes in continuous space with dependence. However, assuming a …
Management opportunities for boosting productivity of cool-temperate dairy farms under climate change
Improved knowledge of the effects of climate change on farming systems can help increase
long-term production, economic performance, and mitigate risk. Here we assessed the …
long-term production, economic performance, and mitigate risk. Here we assessed the …