Opinion mining for software development: a systematic literature review
Opinion mining, sometimes referred to as sentiment analysis, has gained increasing
attention in software engineering (SE) studies. SE researchers have applied opinion mining …
attention in software engineering (SE) studies. SE researchers have applied opinion mining …
Modern code reviews—survey of literature and practice
Background: Modern Code Review (MCR) is a lightweight alternative to traditional code
inspections. While secondary studies on MCR exist, it is ua nknown whether the research …
inspections. While secondary studies on MCR exist, it is ua nknown whether the research …
Sentiment analysis for software engineering: How far can pre-trained transformer models go?
Extensive research has been conducted on sentiment analysis for software engineering
(SA4SE). Researchers have invested much effort in develo** customized tools (eg …
(SA4SE). Researchers have invested much effort in develo** customized tools (eg …
On the validity of pre-trained transformers for natural language processing in the software engineering domain
J Von der Mosel, A Trautsch… - IEEE Transactions on …, 2022 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Transformers are the current state-of-the-art of natural language processing in many
domains and are using traction within software engineering research as well. Such models …
domains and are using traction within software engineering research as well. Such models …
SentiStrength-SE: Exploiting domain specificity for improved sentiment analysis in software engineering text
Automated sentiment analysis in software engineering textual artifacts has long been
suffering from inaccuracies in those few tools available for the purpose. We conduct an in …
suffering from inaccuracies in those few tools available for the purpose. We conduct an in …
Spi: Automated identification of security patches via commits
Security patches in open source software, providing security fixes to identified
vulnerabilities, are crucial in protecting against cyber attacks. Security advisories and …
vulnerabilities, are crucial in protecting against cyber attacks. Security advisories and …
A systematic literature review and taxonomy of modern code review
Abstract Context: Modern Code Review (MCR) is a widely known practice of software quality
assurance. However, the existing body of knowledge of MCR is currently not understood as …
assurance. However, the existing body of knowledge of MCR is currently not understood as …
Sentiment analysis tools in software engineering: A systematic map** study
Context: Software development is a collaborative task. Previous research has shown social
aspects within development teams to be highly relevant for the success of software projects …
aspects within development teams to be highly relevant for the success of software projects …
The" shut the f** k up" phenomenon: Characterizing incivility in open source code review discussions
Code review is an important quality assurance activity for software development. Code
review discussions among developers and maintainers can be heated and sometimes …
review discussions among developers and maintainers can be heated and sometimes …
Achieving reliable sentiment analysis in the software engineering domain using bert
Researchers have shown that sentiment analysis of software artifacts can potentially
improve various software engineering tools, including API and library recommendation …
improve various software engineering tools, including API and library recommendation …