The impact of life events and transitions on physical activity: A sco** review

H Gropper, JM John, G Sudeck, A Thiel - PloS one, 2020 -
Background Physical activity (PA) is a fluctuating behavior and prone to change across the
life course. Changes in PA may be particularly due to the experience of life events and …

Spotlight on the challenges of depression following retirement and opportunities for interventions

L Dang, A Ananthasubramaniam… - Clinical Interventions in …, 2022 - Taylor & Francis
As a major life transition characterized by changes in social, behavioral, and psychological
domains, retirement is associated with numerous risk factors that can contribute to the …

Hel** out or hel** yourself? Volunteering and life satisfaction across the retirement transition.

P Bjälkebring, G Henning, D Västfjäll… - Psychology and …, 2021 -
It has been suggested that volunteering leads to increases in well-being, particularly in older
and retiring adults, and that volunteering could be used as a public health intervention to …

A longitudinal examination of the role of social identity in supporting health and well-being in retirement.

C Haslam, BCP Lam, E Ghafoori, NK Steffens… - Psychology and …, 2023 -
Social factors are major determinants of the success of retirement transitions. However, we
do not yet fully understand the nature and basis of this impact, particularly as it relates to …

'Who tells me when to stay active or to leave?'age differences in and predictors of endorsement of prescriptive views of aging

V Ludwig, EM Kessler, LM Warner… - Aging & Mental …, 2024 - Taylor & Francis
Objectives Prescriptive views of aging (PVoA) are normative age-based expectations about
age-appropriate behavior for older adults, eg that they should stay fit/active (active aging …

Subjective well-being across the retirement transition—Historical differences and the role of perceived control.

G Henning, D Segel-Karpas, A Stenling… - Psychology and …, 2022 -
Given substantial cohort differences in psychosocial functioning, for example in perceived
control, and ongoing pension reforms, the context of retirement has changed over the last …

A life of leisure? Investigating the differential impact of retirement on leisure activity

O Tunney, K Henkens… - The Journals of …, 2023 -
Objectives Remaining active in older adulthood is widely endorsed by governments and
policy-makers as a way of promoting public health and curbing welfare spending. Despite …

[HTML][HTML] What will you do with all that time? Changes in leisure activities after retirement are determined by age-related self-views and preparation

MCP de Paula Couto, DJ Ekerdt, HH Fung, TM Hess… - Acta psychologica, 2022 - Elsevier
Retirement is a normative life transition that liberates the individual from the external
obligations of employment, being a catalyzer of leisure activity engagement. However, the …

Physical activity and psychological adjustment among retirees: a systematic review

M Sharifi, D Nodehi, B Bazgir - BMC Public Health, 2023 - Springer
Background Health-related behaviors may change after retirement and induce changes in
the mental health. This systematic review aimed to investigate the nature of changes in …

Changes in life satisfaction during the transition to retirement: findings from the FIREA cohort study

KC Prakash, M Virtanen, S Törmälehto… - European journal of …, 2022 - Springer
Life satisfaction is an essential construct of well-being that is tied to behavioral, emotional,
social and psychological outcomes. This study aimed to examine changes in total and …