Distributed and interactive brain mechanisms during emotion face perception: evidence from functional neuroimaging

P Vuilleumier, G Pourtois - Neuropsychologia, 2007‏ - Elsevier
Brain imaging studies in humans have shown that face processing in several areas is
modulated by the affective significance of faces, particularly with fearful expressions, but …

Rapid facial reactions to emotional facial expressions

U Dimberg, M Thunberg - Scandinavian journal of psychology, 1998‏ - Wiley Online Library
This study explored how rapidly emotion specific facial muscle reactions were elicited when
subjects were exposed to pictures of angry and happy facial expressions. In three separate …

A psychophysiological model of emotion space

EN Sokolov, W Boucsein - Integrative Physiological and Behavioral …, 2000‏ - Springer
Despite a wide variety of emotions that can be subjectively experienced, the emotion space
has consistently revealed a low dimensionality. The search for corresponding somato …

Emotions in word and face processing: early and late cortical responses

A Schacht, W Sommer - Brain and cognition, 2009‏ - Elsevier
Recent research suggests that emotion effects in word processing resemble those in other
stimulus domains such as pictures or faces. The present study aims to provide more direct …

Brain activity differentiates face and object processing in 6-month-old infants.

M De Haan, CA Nelson - Developmental psychology, 1999‏ - psycnet.apa.org
Event-related potentials were used to determine whether infants, like adults, show
differences in spatial and temporal characteristics of brain activation during face and object …

[HTML][HTML] Early amygdala reaction to fear spreading in occipital, temporal, and frontal cortex: a depth electrode ERP study in human

P Krolak-Salmon, MA Hénaff, A Vighetto, O Bertrand… - Neuron, 2004‏ - cell.com
The amygdala involvement in fear processing has been reported in behavioral,
electrophysiological, and functional imaging studies. However, the literature does not …

Enhanced extrastriate visual response to bandpass spatial frequency filtered fearful faces: Time course and topographic evoked‐potentials map**

G Pourtois, ES Dan, D Grandjean… - Human brain …, 2005‏ - Wiley Online Library
We compared electrical brain responses to fearful vs. neutral facial expressions in healthy
volunteers while they performed an orthogonal gender decision task. Face stimuli either had …

The 'when'and 'where'of perceiving signals of threat versus non-threat

LM Williams, D Palmer, BJ Liddell, L Song, E Gordon - Neuroimage, 2006‏ - Elsevier
We tested the proposal that signals of potential threat are given precedence over positive
and neutral signals, reflected in earlier and more pronounced changes in neural activity. The …

Map** the time course of nonconscious and conscious perception of fear: an integration of central and peripheral measures

LM Williams, BJ Liddell, J Rathjen… - Human brain …, 2004‏ - Wiley Online Library
Neuroimaging studies using backward masking suggest that conscious and nonconscious
responses to complex signals of fear (facial expressions) occur via parallel cortical and …

Processing of facial emotional expression: Spatio‐temporal data as assessed by scalp event‐related potentials

P Krolak‐Salmon, C Fischer, A Vighetto… - European Journal of …, 2001‏ - Wiley Online Library
Event‐related potentials (ERPs) were recorded in 10 adult volunteers, who were asked to
view pictures of faces with different emotional expressions, ie fear, happiness, disgust …