Progress in beam-down solar concentrating systems
Concentrating solar technologies are promising renewable energy systems for exploiting
incident beam solar irradiation with high exergy efficiency values. These systems provide …
incident beam solar irradiation with high exergy efficiency values. These systems provide …
[HTML][HTML] A review of hydrogen production from onboard ammonia decomposition: maritime applications of concentrated solar energy and boil-off gas recovery
The growing interest in the potential role of hydrogen in reducing CO 2 emissions as an
energy carrier has significant implications in the natural gas industry. Hydrogen will …
energy carrier has significant implications in the natural gas industry. Hydrogen will …
A new design for a built-in hybrid energy system, parabolic dish solar concentrator and bioenergy (PDSC/BG): A case study–Libya
This research aims to promote the sustainable utilization of locally available,
environmentally friendly resources, making a substantial contribution to both mitigating …
environmentally friendly resources, making a substantial contribution to both mitigating …
Using machine learning approaches to model and optimize a combined solar/natural gas-based power and freshwater cogeneration system
Problems of sustainable development and environmental protection pose a challenge to
humanity unprecedented in scope and complexity. Whether and how the problems are …
humanity unprecedented in scope and complexity. Whether and how the problems are …
Recent advances in parabolic dish solar concentrators: receiver design, heat loss reduction, and nanofluid optimization for enhanced efficiency and applications
Renewable energy has become essential to address fuel scarcity and greenhouse gas
emissions like carbon dioxide. Experts are very interested in develo** solar energy and …
emissions like carbon dioxide. Experts are very interested in develo** solar energy and …
Integrated optical-thermal model and deep learning technique to estimate the performance of a conical cavity receiver coupled solar parabolic dish collector
An integrated optical-thermal model was developed by adopting ray tracing using the Monte-
Carlo algorithm and Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) for evaluating the performance of …
Carlo algorithm and Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) for evaluating the performance of …
A review of the techno-economic potential and environmental impact analysis through life cycle assessment of parabolic trough collector towards the contribution of …
Parabolic trough collectors (PT Cs) are efficient solar energy harvesting devices utilized in
various industries, for instance, space heating, solar cooling, solar drying, pasteurization …
various industries, for instance, space heating, solar cooling, solar drying, pasteurization …
Review on the progress of solar water heaters and their future perspectives
A solar water heater (SWH) converts solar radiation into thermal energy for various
purposes, and its technology has experienced numerous developments. Many studies have …
purposes, and its technology has experienced numerous developments. Many studies have …
[HTML][HTML] A review on heat extraction devices for CPVT systems with active liquid cooling
Numerous numerical and experimental studies have been conducted regarding the
Concentrated Photovoltaic Thermal (CPVT) system because of its significant potential for …
Concentrated Photovoltaic Thermal (CPVT) system because of its significant potential for …
Optical performance evaluation of a large solar dish/Stirling power generation system under self-weight load based on optical-mechanical integration method
J Yan, YD Peng, YX Liu - Energy, 2023 - Elsevier
Solar dish concentrator system is an optical device that provides high quality thermal source
for thermodynamic devices such as Stirling heat engine, the structural deformation caused …
for thermodynamic devices such as Stirling heat engine, the structural deformation caused …