Predicting changes in the distribution and abundance of species under environmental change

J Ehrlén, WF Morris - Ecology letters, 2015 - Wiley Online Library
Environmental changes are expected to alter both the distribution and the abundance of
organisms. A disproportionate amount of past work has focused on distribution only, either …

Primate socioecology at the crossroads: past, present, and future

T Clutton‐Brock, C Janson - Evolutionary Anthropology: Issues …, 2012 - Wiley Online Library
Attempts to explain differences in the size and structure of primate groups have argued that
they are a consequence of variation in the intensity of feeding competition caused by …

Interplay between changing climate and species' ecology drives macroevolutionary dynamics

THG Ezard, T Aze, PN Pearson, A Purvis - science, 2011 -
Ecological change provokes speciation and extinction, but our knowledge of the interplay
among the biotic and abiotic drivers of macroevolution remains limited. Using the …

The dynamics of phenotypic change and the shrinking sheep of St. Kilda

A Ozgul, S Tuljapurkar, TG Benton, JM Pemberton… - Science, 2009 -
Environmental change, including climate change, can cause rapid phenotypic change via
both ecological and evolutionary processes. Because ecological and evolutionary dynamics …

Modeling effects of environmental change on wolf population dynamics, trait evolution, and life history

T Coulson, DR MacNulty, DR Stahler, B VonHoldt… - Science, 2011 -
Environmental change has been observed to generate simultaneous responses in
population dynamics, life history, gene frequencies, and morphology in a number of species …

Ten principles from evolutionary ecology essential for effective marine conservation

HK Kindsvater, M Mangel, JD Reynolds… - Ecology and …, 2016 - Wiley Online Library
Sustainably managing marine species is crucial for the future health of the human
population. Yet there are diverse perspectives concerning which species can be exploited …

Using evolutionary demography to link life history theory, quantitative genetics and population ecology

T Coulson, S Tuljapurkar… - Journal of Animal …, 2010 - Wiley Online Library
There is a growing number of empirical reports of environmental change simultaneously
influencing population dynamics, life history and quantitative characters. We do not have a …

A general, resource‐based explanation for density dependence in populations of large herbivores

NT Hobbs - Ecological monographs, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
The discipline of ecology seeks to understand how ecosystems, communities, and
populations are regulated. A ubiquitous mechanism of population regulation of consumers is …

Integral projections models, their construction and use in posing hypotheses in ecology

T Coulson - Oikos, 2012 - Wiley Online Library
Replicated experiments at the level of the population are often not feasible for field systems.
Despite this, population‐level observational studies play a critical role in biology. For …

Resource management cycles and the sustainability of harvested wildlife populations

JM Fryxell, C Packer, K McCann, EJ Solberg… - Science, 2010 -
Constant harvest policies for fish and wildlife populations can lead to population collapse in
the face of stochastic variation in population growth rates. Here, we show that weak …