Properties of realistic feature models make combinatorial testing of product lines feasible
Feature models and associated feature diagrams allow modeling and visualizing the
constraints leading to the valid products of a product line. In terms of their expressiveness …
constraints leading to the valid products of a product line. In terms of their expressiveness …
Feature oriented model driven development: A case study for portlets
Model driven development (MDD) is an emerging paradigm for software construction that
uses models to specify programs, and model transformations to synthesize executables …
uses models to specify programs, and model transformations to synthesize executables …
Aspectual feature modules
Two programming paradigms are gaining attention in the overlap** fields of software
product lines (SPLs) and incremental software development (ISD). Feature-oriented …
product lines (SPLs) and incremental software development (ISD). Feature-oriented …
The love/hate relationship with the C preprocessor: An interview study
The C preprocessor has received strong criticism in academia, among others regarding
separation of concerns, error proneness, and code obfuscation, but is widely used in …
separation of concerns, error proneness, and code obfuscation, but is widely used in …
Discipline Matters: Refactoring of Preprocessor Directives in the #ifdef Hell
The C preprocessor is used in many C projects to support variability and portability.
However, researchers and practitioners criticize the C preprocessor because of its negative …
However, researchers and practitioners criticize the C preprocessor because of its negative …
A theory of software product line refinement
To safely evolve a software product line, it is important to have a notion of product line
refinement that assures behavior preservation of the original product line products. So in this …
refinement that assures behavior preservation of the original product line products. So in this …
Virtual separation of concerns: toward preprocessors 2.0
C Kästner - 2012 - degruyter.com
Bedingte Kompilierung ist ein einfaches und häufig benutztes Mittel zur Implementierung
von Variabilität in Softwareproduktlinien, welches aber aufgrund negativer Auswirkungen …
von Variabilität in Softwareproduktlinien, welches aber aufgrund negativer Auswirkungen …
Investigating the safe evolution of software product lines
The adoption of a product line strategy can bring significant productivity and time to market
improvements. However, evolving a product line is risky because it might impact many …
improvements. However, evolving a product line is risky because it might impact many …
[Књига][B] Evolving Software Systems
In 2008 the predecessor of this book, entitled “Software Evolution”[592] was published by
Springer, presenting the research results of a number of researchers working on different …
Springer, presenting the research results of a number of researchers working on different …
Superimposition: A language-independent approach to software composition
Superimposition is a composition technique that has been applied successfully in several
areas of software development. In order to unify several languages and tools that rely on …
areas of software development. In order to unify several languages and tools that rely on …