Review of mathematical models for production planning under uncertainty due to lack of homogeneity: proposal of a conceptual model
I Mundi, MME Alemany, R Poler… - International Journal of …, 2019 - Taylor & Francis
Lack of homogeneity in the product (LHP) appears in some production processes that confer
heterogeneity in the characteristics of the products obtained. Supply chains with this issue …
heterogeneity in the characteristics of the products obtained. Supply chains with this issue …
[HTML][HTML] A conceptual framework for the operations planning of the textile supply chains: Insights for sustainable and smart planning in uncertain and dynamic contexts
LL Lorente-Leyva, MME Alemany… - Computers & Industrial …, 2024 - Elsevier
Recent practices in textile supply chains (SC) show a growing concern for sustainability not
only in its economic dimension, but fundamentally in its environmental and social ones. One …
only in its economic dimension, but fundamentally in its environmental and social ones. One …
SLA-aware operational efficiency in AI-enabled service chains: challenges ahead
Abstract Service providers compose services in service chains that require deep integration
of core operational information systems across organizations. Additionally, advanced …
of core operational information systems across organizations. Additionally, advanced …
A novel fuzzy mathematical model for an integrated supply chain planning using multi-objective evolutionary algorithm
Due to the high competition in today's global market, design of an efficient supply chain is
necessary to achieve competitive advantages. Having concerned this issue, scheduling is …
necessary to achieve competitive advantages. Having concerned this issue, scheduling is …
[HTML][HTML] An evaluation of the environmental factors for supply chain strategy decisions using grey systems and composite indicators
JJ Alfaro-Saiz, MC Bas, V Giner-Bosch… - Applied Mathematical …, 2020 - Elsevier
The purpose of this work is to assess the importance of environmental factors in a supply
chain with four partners as a preliminary step to select the competitive strategies and …
chain with four partners as a preliminary step to select the competitive strategies and …
Optimizing a Just-In-Time logistics network problem under fuzzy supply and demand: two parameter-tuned metaheuristics algorithms
Abstract Just-In-Time (JIT) is a popular philosophy in many industrial practices. The concept
of JIT in early studies concerned with improving operational efficiency and waste …
of JIT in early studies concerned with improving operational efficiency and waste …
[PDF][PDF] Performance Assessment in a Production-Distribution Network Using Simulation.
Recently companies have improved their supply chain performance through improvement of
Production-Distribution (PD) network to achieve their commitment on the low cost product …
Production-Distribution (PD) network to achieve their commitment on the low cost product …
[PDF][PDF] Optimization of multi-commodities consumer supply chains for-part I-modeling
ZH Abolhasani, RM Marian, L Loung - Journal of Computer Science, 2013 - academia.edu
This study and its companions (Part II, Part III) will concentrate on optimizing a class of
supply chain problems known as Multi-Commodities Consumer Supply Chain (MCCSC) …
supply chain problems known as Multi-Commodities Consumer Supply Chain (MCCSC) …
Application of fuzzy logic in performance management: a literature review
V Gurrea, JJ Alfaro-Saiz… - International Journal …, 2014 - polipapers.upv.es
Performance management has become in a key success factor for any organization.
Traditionally, performance management has focused uniquely in financial measures, mainly …
Traditionally, performance management has focused uniquely in financial measures, mainly …
Évaluation des risques et de la robustesse de la planification tactique des acteurs d'une chaîne logistique basée sur une plateforme cloud
S Tiss - 2022 - theses.hal.science
La gestion d'une chaîne logistique multi-acteurs repose sur un pilier de coordination,
essentiel pour synchroniser les activités de tous les acteurs et assurer un bon niveau de …
essentiel pour synchroniser les activités de tous les acteurs et assurer un bon niveau de …