Fine-grained scene graph generation with data transfer
Scene graph generation (SGG) is designed to extract (subject, predicate, object) triplets in
images. Recent works have made a steady progress on SGG, and provide useful tools for …
images. Recent works have made a steady progress on SGG, and provide useful tools for …
A dataset for movie description
Audio Description (AD) provides linguistic descriptions of movies and allows visually
impaired people to follow a movie along with their peers. Such descriptions are by design …
impaired people to follow a movie along with their peers. Such descriptions are by design …
Movie description
Audio description (AD) provides linguistic descriptions of movies and allows visually
impaired people to follow a movie along with their peers. Such descriptions are by design …
impaired people to follow a movie along with their peers. Such descriptions are by design …
Information extraction meets the semantic web: a survey
We provide a comprehensive survey of the research literature that applies Information
Extraction techniques in a Semantic Web setting. Works in the intersection of these two …
Extraction techniques in a Semantic Web setting. Works in the intersection of these two …
A large-scale classification of English verbs
Lexical classifications have proved useful in supporting various natural language
processing (NLP) tasks. The largest verb classification for English is Levin's (1993) work …
processing (NLP) tasks. The largest verb classification for English is Levin's (1993) work …
Verb classification across languages
Recent developments in language modeling have enabled large text encoders to derive a
wealth of linguistic information from raw text corpora without supervision. Their success …
wealth of linguistic information from raw text corpora without supervision. Their success …
Learning causality for news events prediction
The problem we tackle in this work is, given a present news event, to generate a plausible
future event that can be caused by the given event. We present a new methodology for …
future event that can be caused by the given event. We present a new methodology for …
[PDF][PDF] Semeval-2007 task-17: English lexical sample, srl and all words
Proceedings of the 45th Annual Meeting of the Association of Computational Linguistics Page
1 Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval-2007) …
1 Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval-2007) …
Feature-space selection with banded ridge regression
TD La Tour, M Eickenberg, AO Nunez-Elizalde… - NeuroImage, 2022 - Elsevier
Encoding models provide a powerful framework to identify the information represented in
brain recordings. In this framework, a stimulus representation is expressed within a feature …
brain recordings. In this framework, a stimulus representation is expressed within a feature …
[PDF][PDF] Fully abstractive approach to guided summarization
This paper shows that full abstraction can be accomplished in the context of guided
summarization. We describe a work in progress that relies on Information Extraction …
summarization. We describe a work in progress that relies on Information Extraction …