What makes neighborhood different from home and city? Effects of place scale on place attachment
M Lewicka - Journal of environmental psychology, 2010 - Elsevier
Several years ago Hidalgo and Hernandez reported a curvilinear, U-shaped, relationship
between scale of place (apartment, neighborhood, city) and strength of attachment to the …
between scale of place (apartment, neighborhood, city) and strength of attachment to the …
Ways to make people active: The role of place attachment, cultural capital, and neighborhood ties
M Lewicka - Journal of environmental psychology, 2005 - Elsevier
This paper tries to reconcile two sets of apparently contradictory results. One is the positive
link, postulated in literature, between place attachment and civic activity, the other is the …
link, postulated in literature, between place attachment and civic activity, the other is the …
The mediating role of sense of place in relationship between localized social ties and residential satisfaction
Residential communities, especially those in urban areas, face significant challenges due to
rapid urban growth. Due to society's continual shift toward a personalized, anonymous, and …
rapid urban growth. Due to society's continual shift toward a personalized, anonymous, and …
[PDF][PDF] Transformations of large housing estates in post-socialist city: The case of Łódź, Poland
E Szafrańska - Geographia Polonica, 2014 - rcin.org.pl
The main purpose of this paper is to identify ongoing changes in post-socialist large housing
estates and to clarify their main factors, using a case study approach. The paper examines …
estates and to clarify their main factors, using a case study approach. The paper examines …
Social consequences of gated communities: The case of suburban Warsaw
D Mantey - The Professional Geographer, 2017 - Taylor & Francis
This article aims to determine how three factors—the fence, the internal public space, and
the type of building—affect the sense of community, as well as the perception of social …
the type of building—affect the sense of community, as well as the perception of social …
Large housing estates in post-socialist Poland as a housing policy challenge
E Szafrańska - European spatial research and policy, 2013 - ceeol.com
Large block housing estates, built after the Second World War, are present in the urban
landscapes of many countries all over the world and in nearly all European countries. Their …
landscapes of many countries all over the world and in nearly all European countries. Their …
[HTML][HTML] Transformations of large housing estates in Central and Eastern Europe after the collapse of communism
E Szafrańska - Geographia Polonica, 2015 - rcin.org.pl
The main purpose of this paper has been to identify ongoing changes in post-socialist large
housing estates and to clarify the main factors underpinning them. The transformations in …
housing estates and to clarify the main factors underpinning them. The transformations in …
[КНИГА][B] Wielkie osiedla mieszkaniowe w mieście postsocjalistycznym. Geneza, rozwój, przemiany, percepcja
E Szafrańska - 2016 - dspace.uni.lodz.pl
2. KONTEKST TEORETYCZNY PRACY....................................................................... 2.1.
Mieszkalnictwo jako przedmiot badań naukowych..................................... 2.2. Wielkie osiedle …
Mieszkalnictwo jako przedmiot badań naukowych..................................... 2.2. Wielkie osiedle …
[HTML][HTML] Exploring the viability of a local social network for creating persistently engaging energy feedback and improved human well-being
Long-term engagement of residents is crucial for demand response management, and thus
grid stability in energy systems, but current approaches often fail to maintain or even achieve …
grid stability in energy systems, but current approaches often fail to maintain or even achieve …
Społeczeństwo rodzin czy obywateli-kapitał społeczny Polaków okresu transformacji
B Lewenstein - Societas/Communitas, 2006 - ceeol.com
Barbara Lewenstein widualne korzyści osiągają (Coleman 1988, Bourdieu 1983, Lin 2002).
W tej drugiej rozważa się, jak poszczególne grupy produkują i utrwalają kapitał społeczny, a …
W tej drugiej rozważa się, jak poszczególne grupy produkują i utrwalają kapitał społeczny, a …