Remote sensing of biodiversity: what to measure and monitor from space to species?
CS Reddy - Biodiversity and Conservation, 2021 - Springer
Global biodiversity monitoring systems through remote sensing can support consistent
assessment, monitoring, modelling and reporting on biodiversity which are key activities …
assessment, monitoring, modelling and reporting on biodiversity which are key activities …
Remote sensing's recent and future contributions to landscape ecology
MA Crowley, JA Cardille - Current Landscape Ecology Reports, 2020 - Springer
Abstract Purpose of Review The purpose of this article is to review landscape ecology
research from the past 5 years to identify past and future contributions from remote sensing …
research from the past 5 years to identify past and future contributions from remote sensing …
Towards a whole‐system framework for wildfire monitoring using Earth observations
Fire seasons have become increasingly variable and extreme due to changing
climatological, ecological, and social conditions. Earth observation data are critical for …
climatological, ecological, and social conditions. Earth observation data are critical for …
Remote sensing enabled essential biodiversity variables for biodiversity assessment and monitoring: technological advancement and potentials
CS Reddy, A Kurian, G Srivastava, J Singhal… - Biodiversity and …, 2021 - Springer
The strong contribution of remote sensing has led to the development of the concept of the
Remote Sensing enabled Essential Biodiversity Variables which represents a set of …
Remote Sensing enabled Essential Biodiversity Variables which represents a set of …
[HTML][HTML] Impact of urbanization on eco-efficiency of tourism destinations
J Zhang, D Ba, S Dong, B **a - Sustainability, 2023 -
Under the dual background of climate change and post-epidemic economic recovery, the
study of the eco-efficiency of tourism destinations in the process of urbanization is critical to …
study of the eco-efficiency of tourism destinations in the process of urbanization is critical to …
Accounting for biodiversity in life cycle impact assessments of forestry and agricultural systems—the BioImpact metric
Purpose Life cycle assessment (LCA) is a useful method for assessing environmental
impacts at large scales. Biodiversity and ecosystem diversity are site-specific, often complex …
impacts at large scales. Biodiversity and ecosystem diversity are site-specific, often complex …
Distribución potencial de Abies vejarii (Pinaceae) y su relación con factores ambientales, topográficos y antropogénicos en el noreste de México
Antecedentes y Objetivos: Abies vejarii (oyamel) es una especie endémica del noreste de
México, actualmente catalogada como Casi Amenazada por la Unión Internacional para la …
México, actualmente catalogada como Casi Amenazada por la Unión Internacional para la …
[PDF][PDF] Análisis de la calidad visual del paisaje del Parque Nacional de la Sierra de Guadarrama mediante procedimientos indirectos: EMC y SIG.
A Vallina Rodríguez - Anales de geografía de la Universidad …, 2020 -
Frente a la complejidad que supone la valoración objetiva del paisaje, la presente
investigación propone una aproximación metodológica desde la evaluación indirecta de …
investigación propone una aproximación metodológica desde la evaluación indirecta de …
Áreas potenciales para establecer Unidades Productoras de Germoplasma Forestal con dos variedades de Pinus pseudostrobus en México
R Barrera Ramírez, R González Cubas… - Bosque …, 2020 - SciELO Chile
Se determinaron áreas con potencial para establecer Unidades Productoras de
Germoplasma Forestal (UPGF) con dos variedades de P. pseudostrobus. Los objetivos …
Germoplasma Forestal (UPGF) con dos variedades de P. pseudostrobus. Los objetivos …
Uzaktan Algılama ve CBS Teknikleri ile Peyzaj Çeşitliliği ve Karbon Depolama Potansiyeli Arasındaki İlişkinin İncelenmesi
D Gülçin - Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 2021 -
Antropojenik faaliyetler kaynaklı Arazi Kullanımı/Arazi Örtüsü (AK/AO) değişimi, önemli
miktarda toprak tahribatı ve arazi kaybına neden olmuştur. Bu nedenle, özellikle son on yılda …
miktarda toprak tahribatı ve arazi kaybına neden olmuştur. Bu nedenle, özellikle son on yılda …