Unifying causality and psychology
vi endeavors (eg, see the PIL masthead for the board members). We all share an abiding
and deep interest in studying the causes of behavior, and this book is a culmination of a long …
and deep interest in studying the causes of behavior, and this book is a culmination of a long …
[HTML][HTML] Emotions before actions: When children see costs as causal
Adults expect people to be biased by sunk costs, but young children do not. We tested
between two accounts for why children overlook the sunk cost bias. On one account …
between two accounts for why children overlook the sunk cost bias. On one account …
With a little help from my friends (and strangers): Closeness as a moderator of the underestimation-of-compliance effect
Those seeking help systematically underestimate the likelihood that strangers will help them
(Bohns, 2016). However, it is not known whether this same error persists when requesting …
(Bohns, 2016). However, it is not known whether this same error persists when requesting …
The things you do: Internal models of others' expected behaviour guide action observation
Predictions allow humans to manage uncertainties within social interactions. Here, we
investigate how explicit and implicit person models–how different people behave in different …
investigate how explicit and implicit person models–how different people behave in different …
Imitation by combination: Preschool age children evidence summative imitation in a novel problem-solving task
Children are exceptional, even 'super,'imitators but comparatively poor independent
problem-solvers or innovators. Yet, imitation and innovation are both necessary components …
problem-solvers or innovators. Yet, imitation and innovation are both necessary components …
The cognitive structure of goal emulation during the preschool years
Humans excel at mirroring both others' actions (imitation) as well as others' goals and
intentions (emulation). As most research has focused on imitation, here we focus on how …
intentions (emulation). As most research has focused on imitation, here we focus on how …
Children as cultural explorers: How imitation, pedagogy, and selective trust prepare children for learning in the cultural niche
RA Gelpí, D Buchsbaum - 2023 - academic.oup.com
Human societies have developed over millennia in a variety of different social and physical
environments, accumulating adaptations too complex and interdependent to be developed …
environments, accumulating adaptations too complex and interdependent to be developed …
One-and two-year-olds grasp that causes must precede their effects.
Knowing the temporal direction of causal relations is critical for producing desired outcomes
and explaining events. Existing evidence suggests that children start to grasp that causes …
and explaining events. Existing evidence suggests that children start to grasp that causes …
[ספר][B] Hot, then cold: Predicting hypothesis revision strategies across development with rational process models
RA Gelpi - 2020 - search.proquest.com
This research explores the hypothesis revision strategies of adults and children, and
develops two computational models of Bayesian inference that predict distinct patterns of …
develops two computational models of Bayesian inference that predict distinct patterns of …
[PDF][PDF] Обусловленность понимания социальной причинности глухими младшими школьниками особенностями семьи
ОИ Кокорева, НА Пешкова, СН Башинова… - ОБРАЗОВАНИЕ И … - eandsdjournal.kpfu.ru
Аннотация Социальное развитие детей в значительной степени детерминировано
качеством межличностного взаимодействия. Чтобы ребенок мог участвовать в …
качеством межличностного взаимодействия. Чтобы ребенок мог участвовать в …