A guide to phylogenetic metrics for conservation, community ecology and macroecology
The use of phylogenies in ecology is increasingly common and has broadened our
understanding of biological diversity. Ecological sub‐disciplines, particularly conservation …
understanding of biological diversity. Ecological sub‐disciplines, particularly conservation …
Functional rarity: the ecology of outliers
Rarity has been a central topic for conservation and evolutionary biologists aiming to
determine the species characteristics that cause extinction risk. More recently, beyond the …
determine the species characteristics that cause extinction risk. More recently, beyond the …
The interplay of past diversification and evolutionary isolation with present imperilment across the amphibian tree of life
Human activities continue to erode the tree of life, requiring us to prioritize research and
conservation. Amphibians represent key victims and bellwethers of global change, and the …
conservation. Amphibians represent key victims and bellwethers of global change, and the …
Invasive predators and global biodiversity loss
Invasive species threaten biodiversity globally, and invasive mammalian predators are
particularly damaging, having contributed to considerable species decline and extinction …
particularly damaging, having contributed to considerable species decline and extinction …
A comprehensive phylogeny of birds (Aves) using targeted next-generation DNA sequencing
Although reconstruction of the phylogeny of living birds has progressed tremendously in the
last decade, the evolutionary history of Neoaves—a clade that encompasses nearly all living …
last decade, the evolutionary history of Neoaves—a clade that encompasses nearly all living …
Fully-sampled phylogenies of squamates reveal evolutionary patterns in threat status
Macroevolutionary rates of diversification and anthropogenic extinction risk differ vastly
throughout the Tree of Life. This results in a highly heterogeneous distribution of …
throughout the Tree of Life. This results in a highly heterogeneous distribution of …
Global priorities for conserving the evolutionary history of sharks, rays and chimaeras
In an era of accelerated biodiversity loss and limited conservation resources, systematic
prioritization of species and places is essential. In terrestrial vertebrates, evolutionary …
prioritization of species and places is essential. In terrestrial vertebrates, evolutionary …
Patterns, causes, and consequences of anthropocene defaunation
Anthropocene defaunation, the global extinction of faunal species and populations and the
decline in abundance of individuals within populations, has been predominantly …
decline in abundance of individuals within populations, has been predominantly …
A quantitative review of abundance‐based species distribution models
The contributions of species to ecosystem functions or services depend not only on their
presence but also on their local abundance. Progress in predictive spatial modelling has …
presence but also on their local abundance. Progress in predictive spatial modelling has …
Fast dating using least-squares criteria and algorithms
Phylogenies provide a useful way to understand the evolutionary history of genetic samples,
and data sets with more than a thousand taxa are becoming increasingly common, notably …
and data sets with more than a thousand taxa are becoming increasingly common, notably …