Molecular chemistry in cavity strong coupling

K Hirai, JA Hutchison, H Uji-i - Chemical Reviews, 2023 - ACS Publications
The coherent exchange of energy between materials and optical fields leads to strong light–
matter interactions and so-called polaritonic states with intriguing properties, halfway …

Perovskite semiconductors for room-temperature exciton-polaritonics

R Su, A Fieramosca, Q Zhang, HS Nguyen… - Nature Materials, 2021 -
Lead-halide perovskites are generally excellent light emitters and can have larger exciton
binding energies than thermal energy at room temperature, exhibiting great promise for …

Non-equilibrium Bose–Einstein condensation in photonic systems

J Bloch, I Carusotto, M Wouters - Nature Reviews Physics, 2022 -
Abstract The study of Bose–Einstein condensation effects in photonic systems has revealed
a rich phenomenology related to spontaneous coherence generation in driven-dissipative …

The road towards polaritonic devices

D Sanvitto, S Kéna-Cohen - Nature materials, 2016 -
Polaritons are quasiparticles that form in semiconductors when an elementary excitation
such as an exciton or a phonon interacts sufficiently strongly with light. In particular, exciton …

A room-temperature organic polariton transistor

AV Zasedatelev, AV Baranikov, D Urbonas… - Nature …, 2019 -
Active optical elements with ever smaller footprint and lower energy consumption are central
to modern photonics. The drive for miniaturization, speed and efficiency, with the …

Strong light–matter coupling in two-dimensional atomic crystals

X Liu, T Galfsky, Z Sun, F **a, E Lin, YH Lee… - Nature …, 2015 -
Two-dimensional atomic crystals of graphene, as well as transition-metal dichalcogenides,
have emerged as a class of materials that demonstrate strong interaction with light. This …

Light–matter interaction in the strong coupling regime: configurations, conditions, and applications

DS Dovzhenko, SV Ryabchuk, YP Rakovich, IR Nabiev - Nanoscale, 2018 -
Resonance interaction between a molecular transition and a confined electromagnetic field
can reach the coupling regime where coherent exchange of energy between light and …

Exciton–polaritons in van der Waals heterostructures embedded in tunable microcavities

S Dufferwiel, S Schwarz, F Withers, AAP Trichet… - Nature …, 2015 -
Layered materials can be assembled vertically to fabricate a new class of van der Waals
heterostructures a few atomic layers thick, compatible with a wide range of substrates and …

Microcavity exciton polaritons at room temperature

S Ghosh, R Su, J Zhao, A Fieramosca, J Wu… - Photonics …, 2022 -
The quest for realizing novel fundamental physical effects and practical applications in
ambient conditions has led to tremendous interest in microcavity exciton polaritons working …

Nonlinear interactions in an organic polariton condensate

KS Daskalakis, SA Maier, R Murray, S Kéna-Cohen - Nature materials, 2014 -
Under the right conditions, cavity polaritons form a macroscopic condensate in the ground
state. The fascinating nonlinear behaviour of this condensate is largely dictated by the …