Evaluation of sustainable transport research in 2000–2019
The transport sector has extensive environmental, social and economic impacts on society
and thus it is imperative for this sector to embrace the concept of sustainable development …
and thus it is imperative for this sector to embrace the concept of sustainable development …
[HTML][HTML] Application of MCDM methods in sustainability engineering: A literature review 2008–2018
Sustainability is one of the main challenges of the recent decades. In this regard, several
prior studies have used different techniques and approaches for solving this problem in the …
prior studies have used different techniques and approaches for solving this problem in the …
The impact of transport infrastructure on the sustainable development of the region—Case study
The transport infrastructure can be defined as a factor that guarantees the growth and
economic development of the region, due to the functions of traversing space in terms of the …
economic development of the region, due to the functions of traversing space in terms of the …
Complex sensitivity analysis in Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis: An application to the selection of an electric car
Sustainability research and practice decisions are the fields that address one of the most
important challenges of today's world, which is frugal resource management. More people …
important challenges of today's world, which is frugal resource management. More people …
Efficiency and spatial equity impacts of high-speed rail extensions in urban areas
Urban areas benefit from significant improvements in accessibility when a new high speed
rail (HSR) project is built. These improvements, which are due mainly to a rise in efficiency …
rail (HSR) project is built. These improvements, which are due mainly to a rise in efficiency …
[HTML][HTML] Measuring road transport sustainability using MCDM-based entropy objective weighting method
Road haulage solutions are incredibly adaptable, having the capacity to link domestically
and internationally. Road transportation offers a greener, more efficient, and safer future …
and internationally. Road transportation offers a greener, more efficient, and safer future …
Territorial cohesion impacts of high-speed rail at different planning levels
The assessment of the impacts of high-speed rail (HSR) projects on territorial cohesion has
recently emerged as an important issue for transport planners. HSR networks are usually …
recently emerged as an important issue for transport planners. HSR networks are usually …
Spatial multicriteria analysis for sustainability assessment: A new model for decision making
Policy makers have to consider the sustainability perspective in strategic planning decisions.
Identifyand measure the level of sustainability, through its three dimensions, is a priority …
Identifyand measure the level of sustainability, through its three dimensions, is a priority …
Towards sustainable and resilient high density cities through better integration of infrastructure networks
Y Yang, ST Ng, FJ Xu, M Skitmore - Sustainable Cities and Society, 2018 - Elsevier
Many developed high density cities around the world are facing unprecedented challenges
as their infrastructure facilities are aging while citizen demands are ever surging. The …
as their infrastructure facilities are aging while citizen demands are ever surging. The …
Multiple-criteria model for optimal off-road vehicle selection for passenger transportation: BWM-COPRAS model
DS Pamučar, LM Savin - Vojnotehnički glasnik/Military Technical …, 2020 - aseestant.ceon.rs
Sažetak Uvod/cilj: Adekvatna evaluacija i izbor terenskog vozila za izvršenje različitih vrsta
zadataka veoma je važan faktor koji utiče na mobilnost korisnika, njihovu bezbednost, kao i …
zadataka veoma je važan faktor koji utiče na mobilnost korisnika, njihovu bezbednost, kao i …