A tea buds counting method based on YOLOV5 and Kalman filter tracking algorithm
Y Li, R Ma, R Zhang, Y Cheng, C Dong - Plant Phenomics, 2023 - spj.science.org
The tea yield estimation provides information support for the harvest time and amount and
serves as a decision-making basis for farmer management and picking. However, the …
serves as a decision-making basis for farmer management and picking. However, the …
[HTML][HTML] Evaluating how lodging affects maize yield estimation based on UAV observations
Y Liu, C Nie, Z Zhang, ZX Wang, B Ming… - Frontiers in Plant …, 2023 - frontiersin.org
Timely and accurate pre-harvest estimates of maize yield are vital for agricultural
management. Although many remote sensing approaches have been developed to estimate …
management. Although many remote sensing approaches have been developed to estimate …
The evaluation of land use cover changes through the composite approach of Landsat 8 and the land use capability index for the Bedadung watershed.
Land use changes become a problem that contributes to the decline in the watershed
function and performance. Bedadung watershed divides Jember Regency, which has …
function and performance. Bedadung watershed divides Jember Regency, which has …
Remote sensing-based detection of tea land losses: The case of Lahijan, Iran
Accurate change detection of cropland area and their spatial distributions are important for
cropland monitoring, food security, and sustainable development. Tea as a strategic crop in …
cropland monitoring, food security, and sustainable development. Tea as a strategic crop in …
Review of the application of in-situ sensing techniques to address the tea growth characteristics from leaf to field
Q Cao, C Zhao, Z Xu, P Jiang, H Yang, X Meng… - International Journal of …, 2024 - ijabe.net
The tea plant is a valuable and evergreen crop that is extensively cultivated in China and
many other countries. Currently, there is growing research interest in this plant. For the tea …
many other countries. Currently, there is growing research interest in this plant. For the tea …
[HTML][HTML] A Seasonal Fresh Tea Yield Estimation Method with Machine Learning Algorithms at Field Scale Integrating UAV RGB and Sentinel-2 Imagery
H Liu, Y Liu, W Xu, M Wu, L Wang, N Lu, G Ou - Plants, 2025 - mdpi.com
Traditional methods for estimating tea yield mainly rely on manual sampling surveys and
empirical estimation, which are labor-intensive and time-consuming. Accurately estimating …
empirical estimation, which are labor-intensive and time-consuming. Accurately estimating …
[PDF][PDF] Sustainable Application of Water Footprint in Black Tea and Botanical Extract Production System
A Nesamvuni - Water Research Commission: Pretoria, South Africa, 2024 - wrc.org.za
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY A study was carried out with an aim to contribute to the sustainable
tea production system through an application of water footprint in black tea and botanical …
tea production system through an application of water footprint in black tea and botanical …
Extracting tea plantations in complex landscapes using Sentinel-2 imagery and machine learning algorithms
P Chen, C Zhao, D Duan, F Wang - Community Ecology, 2022 - Springer
Tea tree is an economically important crop. The rapid and efficient map** of the
distribution and dynamic changes in tea plantations informs decision making for government …
distribution and dynamic changes in tea plantations informs decision making for government …
Winter wheat yield prediction based on convolutional neural network–bidirectional long short-term memory–attention model using time series synthetic aperture radar …
Z Zheng, J Zhao, H Yang, N Li… - Journal of Applied …, 2024 - spiedigitallibrary.org
Timely and accurate prediction of winter wheat yield is crucial for national food security. In
the field of crop yield prediction, deep learning techniques are playing an increasingly …
the field of crop yield prediction, deep learning techniques are playing an increasingly …
[PDF][PDF] Assessing Pruning Intensity to Improve the Tea Productivity in Tropical Plantations by Multispectral Image Classification Model Using K-Means Algorithm [J]
Tea (Camellia sinensis) plays a crucial role in the Indonesian economy, but its production
has witnessed a decline over the last two years. The majority of tea plantations in Indonesia …
has witnessed a decline over the last two years. The majority of tea plantations in Indonesia …