Sustriage: sustainable bug triage with multi-modal ensemble learning
W Zhang, J Zhao, S Wang - IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on …, 2021 -
Bug report triage refers to the process of selecting appropriate developers to resolve newly
submitted bug reports. Most existing methods primarily focus on improving the …
submitted bug reports. Most existing methods primarily focus on improving the …
Using developer discussions to guide fixing bugs in software
S Panthaplackel, M Gligoric, JJ Li… - ar** properties with past experiences.
Without this process, many experienced developers may overwhelm with more assignments …
Without this process, many experienced developers may overwhelm with more assignments …
Optimizing Bug Resolution: A Data-Driven Developer Recommendation System.
S Saxena, C Gupta - International Journal of Performability …, 2024 -
To deliver a quality project on time during software maintenance, selecting the most suitable
developer to assign a newly reported bug is a complex task. The proposed Data-Driven …
developer to assign a newly reported bug is a complex task. The proposed Data-Driven …
Business Consulting: Aplicaciones de Marcos de Referencia para el Desarrollo de Software en MS4M SAC
CR Aguilar, AAV Alarcón, RSB Zegarra, VA Sanchez… - 2024 -
El presente trabajo de consultoría se origina en respuesta a la problemática relacionada a
la acumulación de deuda técnica acumulada en la empresa MS4M SAC (en adelante …
la acumulación de deuda técnica acumulada en la empresa MS4M SAC (en adelante …
Business Consulting: Aplicaciones de marcos de referencia para el desarrollo de software en MS4M SAC
C Romero Aguilar, AA Vargas Alarcón… - 2024 -
El presente trabajo de consultoría se origina en respuesta a la problemática relacionada a
la acumulación de deuda técnica acumulada en la empresa MS4M SAC (en adelante …
la acumulación de deuda técnica acumulada en la empresa MS4M SAC (en adelante …
Software defect creation
A Bakshi - US Patent 11,249,890, 2022 - Google Patents
A system and a method for creating a defect identified during a test case run. A bug is
detected during an execution of the test case on a functionality of a software. The bug is …
detected during an execution of the test case on a functionality of a software. The bug is …
Facilitating software evolution through natural language comments and dialogue
SL Panthaplackel - 2022 -
Software projects are continually evolving, as developers incorporate changes to refactor
code, support new functionality, and fix bugs. To uphold software quality amidst constant …
code, support new functionality, and fix bugs. To uphold software quality amidst constant …