Sperm competition and ejaculate economics
Sperm competition was identified in 1970 as a pervasive selective force in post‐copulatory
sexual selection that occurs when the ejaculates of different males compete to fertilise a …
sexual selection that occurs when the ejaculates of different males compete to fertilise a …
Sexual conflict over mating and fertilization: an overview
GA Parker - … Transactions of the Royal Society B …, 2006 - royalsocietypublishing.org
Sexual conflict is a conflict between the evolutionary interests of individuals of the two sexes.
The sexes can have different trait optima but this need not imply conflict if their optima can …
The sexes can have different trait optima but this need not imply conflict if their optima can …
[CARTE][B] Principles of animal communication
JW Bradbury, SL Vehrencamp - 1998 - learninglink.oup.com
Literature Cited to accompany Animal Communication, 2e Page 1 Principles of Animal
Communication, Second Edition Jack W. Bradbury and Sandra L. Vehrencamp Chapter 14 …
Communication, Second Edition Jack W. Bradbury and Sandra L. Vehrencamp Chapter 14 …
Sexual selection and sperm quantity: meta‐analyses of strategic ejaculation
Multiple mating or group spawning leads to post‐copulatory sexual selection, which
generally favours ejaculates that are more competitive under sperm competition. In four …
generally favours ejaculates that are more competitive under sperm competition. In four …
The evolution of kin discrimination across the tree of life
Kin discrimination, the differential treatment of conspecifics based on kinship, occurs across
the tree of life, from animals to plants to fungi to bacteria. When kin and nonkin interact, the …
the tree of life, from animals to plants to fungi to bacteria. When kin and nonkin interact, the …
When not to avoid inbreeding
H Kokko, I Ots - Evolution, 2006 - academic.oup.com
Avoidance of incestuous matings is widely reported across many animal taxa, and the
adaptive value of such behavior is explained through inbreeding depression. However, an …
adaptive value of such behavior is explained through inbreeding depression. However, an …
Mate choice and genetic quality: a review of the heterozygosity theory
B Kempenaers - Advances in the Study of Behavior, 2007 - Elsevier
Publisher Summary This chapter presents a review of mate choice and genetic quality,
defines mate choice, and discusses some of the key issues about how individuals can …
defines mate choice, and discusses some of the key issues about how individuals can …
Cryptic female preference for genetically unrelated males is mediated by ovarian fluid in the guppy
As inbreeding is costly, it has been suggested that polyandry may evolve as a means to
reduce the negative fitness consequences of mating with genetically related males. While …
reduce the negative fitness consequences of mating with genetically related males. While …
Meta-analytic evidence that animals rarely avoid inbreeding
Animals are usually expected to avoid mating with relatives (kin avoidance) as incestuous
mating can lead to the expression of inbreeding depression. Yet, theoretical models predict …
mating can lead to the expression of inbreeding depression. Yet, theoretical models predict …
The consequences of polyandry for population viability, extinction risk and conservation
Polyandry, by elevating sexual conflict and selecting for reduced male care relative to
monandry, may exacerbate the cost of sex and thereby seriously impact population fitness …
monandry, may exacerbate the cost of sex and thereby seriously impact population fitness …