Understanding factors affecting social commerce purchase behavior: A longitudinal perspective

S Laradi, M Alrawad, A Lutfi, G Agag - Journal of Retailing and Consumer …, 2024 - Elsevier
The use of social media has experienced a surge in popularity globally in recent years, with
a rapidly increasing rate of adoption. Retailers are experimenting with various strategies to …

Social commerce and buying intention post COVID-19: Evidence from a hybrid approach based on SEM–fsQCA

IA Elshaer, M Alrawad, A Lutfi, AMS Azazz - Journal of Retailing and …, 2024 - Elsevier
In the post COVID-19 era, social commerce witnessed significant growth due to increasing
numbers of consumers choosing online channels as their preferred means of shop** …

FinTech and financial inclusion: Exploring the mediating role of digital financial literacy and the moderating influence of perceived regulatory support

MB Amnas, M Selvam, S Parayitam - Journal of Risk and Financial …, 2024 - mdpi.com
Exploring the potential of financial technology (FinTech) to promote financial inclusion is the
aim of this research. This study concentrated on understanding why people use FinTech and …

A systematic review of mobile payment literature: What has been studied and what should be studied?

J Ha, C Nam, S Kim - Telecommunications Policy, 2024 - Elsevier
Mobile payment presently leads the fintech market as an alternative tool for daily
transactions. Mobile payment research has remained limited to the field of technological …

[HTML][HTML] Understanding the determinants of FinTech adoption: Integrating UTAUT2 with trust theoretic model

MB Amnas, M Selvam, M Raja… - Journal of Risk and …, 2023 - mdpi.com
Financial technology (FinTech) is transforming the financial services industry by offering
innovative, convenient solutions for businesses and individuals. This study examines the …

The moderation of organizational readiness on the relationship between toe factors and fintech adoption and financial performance

A Marei, JA Mustafa, M Othman… - Journal of Law and …, 2023 - ojs.journalsdg.org
Purpose of the study: The purpose of the study was to discuss the impact of the TOE factors
on FinTech Adoption and Financial Performance and the role of organizational readiness as …

[HTML][HTML] Near-field communication (NFC) cyber threats and mitigation solutions in payment transactions: A review

P Onumadu, H Abroshan - Sensors, 2024 - mdpi.com
Today, many businesses use near-field communications (NFC) payment solutions, which
allow them to receive payments from customers quickly and smoothly. However, this …

Understanding trust drivers of S-commerce

M Al-Kfairy, A Shuhaiber, AW Al-Khatib, S Alrabaee… - Heliyon, 2024 - cell.com
Trust has emerged as a pillar in the acceptance and use of new technologies in the ever-
changing digital landscape, notably in the booming field of social commerce. The …

Assessing antecedents of Google shop** ads intention to purchase: a multigroup analysis of generation Y and Z

RG Duffett, JR Charles - Young Consumers, 2024 - emerald.com
Purpose The substantial expansion of technology and the efficacy of digital platforms in
reaching young audiences have led to enhanced targeting and customization of promotional …

How does risk interplay with trust in pre-and post-purchase intention to engage: PLS-SEM and ML classification approach

N Sharkasi, G Agag - Journal of Marketing Analytics, 2024 - Springer
This study explores the effect of perceived risk PR and perceived affective and cognitive
trust, PAT and PCT, respectively, on the intention to engage with Facebook FB adverts. Most …