Invertebrate population genetics across Earth's largest habitat: The deep‐sea floor
Despite the deep sea being the largest habitat on Earth, there are just 77 population genetic
studies of invertebrates (115 species) inhabiting non‐chemosynthetic ecosystems on the …
studies of invertebrates (115 species) inhabiting non‐chemosynthetic ecosystems on the …
RAD sequencing enables unprecedented phylogenetic resolution and objective species delimitation in recalcitrant divergent taxa
Species delimitations is problematic in many cases due to the difficulty of evaluating
predictions from species hypotheses. In many cases delimitations rely on subjective …
predictions from species hypotheses. In many cases delimitations rely on subjective …
New approaches to species delimitation and population structure of anthozoans: Two case studies of octocorals using ultraconserved elements and exons
As coral populations decline worldwide in the face of ongoing environmental change,
documenting their distribution, diversity and conservation status is now more imperative than …
documenting their distribution, diversity and conservation status is now more imperative than …
Discovery of deep-sea coral symbionts from a novel clade of marine bacteria with severely reduced genomes
Microbes perform critical functions in corals, yet most knowledge is derived from the photic
zone. Here, we discover two mollicutes that dominate the microbiome of the deep-sea …
zone. Here, we discover two mollicutes that dominate the microbiome of the deep-sea …
Exploration of the canyon-incised continental margin of the northeastern United States reveals dynamic habitats and diverse communities
The continental margin off the northeastern United States (NEUS) contains numerous,
topographically complex features that increase habitat heterogeneity across the region …
topographically complex features that increase habitat heterogeneity across the region …
Bathymetric evolution of black corals through deep time
Deep-sea lineages are generally thought to arise from shallow-water ancestors, but this
hypothesis is based on a relatively small number of taxonomic groups. Anthozoans, which …
hypothesis is based on a relatively small number of taxonomic groups. Anthozoans, which …
Environmental filtering and neutral processes shape octocoral community assembly in the deep sea
The ecological and evolutionary processes that interact to shape community structure are
poorly studied in the largest environment on earth, the deep sea. Phylogenetic data and …
poorly studied in the largest environment on earth, the deep sea. Phylogenetic data and …
Phylogeography of Paramuricea: The Role of Depth and Water Mass in the Evolution and Distribution of Deep-Sea Corals
The processes that control diversification and speciation in deep-sea species are poorly
known. Here, we analyzed data produced by Restriction-Site Associated DNA Sequencing …
known. Here, we analyzed data produced by Restriction-Site Associated DNA Sequencing …
Gorgonian corals
Mesophotic gorgonian corals comprise a polyphyletic group of octocorals mostly with a
proteinaceous branching axial skeleton. Dense assemblages of gorgonian corals usually …
proteinaceous branching axial skeleton. Dense assemblages of gorgonian corals usually …
Integrating physical circulation models and genetic approaches to investigate population connectivity in deep-sea corals
Deepwater corals are found on hard grounds of the continental shelf and slope of all ocean
basins, where they enhance the abundance and biodiversity of invertebrates and fishes …
basins, where they enhance the abundance and biodiversity of invertebrates and fishes …