A short-term voltage stability online assessment based on multi-layer perceptron learning
In this paper, a deep learning-based approach is used to analyze short-term voltage stability
of power systems in order to completely learn the hidden timely dependencies from post …
of power systems in order to completely learn the hidden timely dependencies from post …
A novel fast transient stability assessment of power systems using fault-on trajectory
In this article, for fast transient stability status (TSS) prediction, a new scheme is proposed,
which does not require any postfault data and predicts TSS using data measured until the …
which does not require any postfault data and predicts TSS using data measured until the …
Measuring and enabling transmission systems resiliency with renewable wind energy systems
This paper introduces a resiliency quantification approach for transmission power system,
that incorporates a decentralized Remedial Action Scheme (RAS). RAS is designed to …
that incorporates a decentralized Remedial Action Scheme (RAS). RAS is designed to …
Toward Adaptive Load Shedding Remedial Action Schemes in Modern Electrical Power Systems
Modern power grids are becoming more stressed, more complex, and beginning to have a
significant integration of energy sources based on power electronics devices, which …
significant integration of energy sources based on power electronics devices, which …
A blockchain-based lightweight identity authentication scheme for the IEDs of security and stability control system
Z Li, J Li, S Zhao, X Chen, K Feng, W Wang - Plos one, 2022 - journals.plos.org
As an important part of the second defense line of the power system, the Security and
Stability Control System (SSCS) is of great significance to ensure the reliable operation of …
Stability Control System (SSCS) is of great significance to ensure the reliable operation of …
An optimization-based EVA-VCAS for effective voltage sag management
Voltage sags, which are temporary drops in voltage levels, pose significant challenges to
power system stability and reliability, necessitating effective mitigation strategies. However …
power system stability and reliability, necessitating effective mitigation strategies. However …
Integration of physics-and data-driven power system models in transient analysis after major disturbances
The article explores the analysis of transient phenomena in large-scale power systems
subjected to major disturbances from the aspect of interleaving, coordinating, and refining …
subjected to major disturbances from the aspect of interleaving, coordinating, and refining …
[HTML][HTML] Long-term voltage stability bifurcation analysis and control considering OLTC adjustment and photovoltaic power station
S Li, C Zhang, J Zuo - Energies, 2023 - mdpi.com
The influence of photovoltaic (PV) output with stochasticity and uncertainty on the grid-
connected system's voltage stability is worth further exploration. The long-term voltage …
connected system's voltage stability is worth further exploration. The long-term voltage …
Comparison of Grid-Following and Grid-Forming Inverters Performance for Frequency Stability in Power Systems: A Dynamic Study
The significant growth of the share of inverterbased resources in transmission power grids
has led to changes in the dynamic nature of the power network. One of these changes is the …
has led to changes in the dynamic nature of the power network. One of these changes is the …
Analyzing the Impact of Ground Resistance on Distance Relay Performance with Mho Characteristics
Ground resistance (Rg) plays an important role in designing, operating, and maintaining
transmission lines (TLs). This paper investigates the impact of ground resistance along the …
transmission lines (TLs). This paper investigates the impact of ground resistance along the …