The application of meta-analytic (multi-level) models with multiple random effects: A systematic review
In meta-analysis, study participants are nested within studies, leading to a multilevel data
structure. The traditional random effects model can be considered as a model with a random …
structure. The traditional random effects model can be considered as a model with a random …
[HTML][HTML] The ethics of child maltreatment surveys in relation to participant distress: Implications of social science evidence, ethical guidelines, and law
Epidemiological surveys measuring the prevalence of child maltreatment generate essential
knowledge that is required to enhance human rights, promote gender equality, and reduce …
knowledge that is required to enhance human rights, promote gender equality, and reduce …
[PDF][PDF] Omfang av vold og overgrep i den norske befolkningen
Tabell 4.3. Sammenlikning av sosiodemografisk bakgrunn for Omfang 2014 og Omfang
2023 64 Tabell 5.1. Forekomst av voldtekt ved bruk av makt, sovevoldtekt og voldtekt av …
2023 64 Tabell 5.1. Forekomst av voldtekt ved bruk av makt, sovevoldtekt og voldtekt av …
A trauma-informed approach to sexual violence research ethics and open science
The practice of ethics in social science research is a reflexive process of self-review to
define a profession's collective responsibility in the face of changing norms and …
define a profession's collective responsibility in the face of changing norms and …
Trauma‐informed qualitative research: Some methodological and practical considerations
S Isobel - International journal of mental health nursing, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
Mental health nurses who engage in research are likely to undertake research on sensitive
topics, related to experiences of illness, care delivery and treatment. With recognition of the …
topics, related to experiences of illness, care delivery and treatment. With recognition of the …
[KÖNYV][B] Co-occurring alcohol and other drug and mental health conditions in alcohol and other drug treatment settings
These Guidelines were funded by the Australian Government and developed by NDARC to
support health services and AOD (alcohol and/or other drug) treatment service workers to …
support health services and AOD (alcohol and/or other drug) treatment service workers to …
Factors associated with PTSD and partial PTSD among first responders following the Paris terror attacks in November 2015
During the evening of 13 November 2015, the deadliest terror attacks in France in recent
times occurred in the Paris area. Overall, 130 people were killed, 643 were physically …
times occurred in the Paris area. Overall, 130 people were killed, 643 were physically …
What helps children tell? A qualitative meta‐analysis of child sexual abuse disclosure
E Brennan, R McElvaney - Child abuse review, 2020 - Wiley Online Library
The increasing use of qualitative methodologies to explore experiences of child sexual
abuse (CSA) disclosure has led to the need to synthesise these findings. Recent reviews …
abuse (CSA) disclosure has led to the need to synthesise these findings. Recent reviews …
Doing research in counselling and psychotherapy
J McLeod - 2022 - torrossa.com
The aim of this book is to encourage and support individuals and groups to carry out
grassroots research into counselling, counselling psychology, career counselling …
grassroots research into counselling, counselling psychology, career counselling …
Trauma and psychosis: a qualitative study exploring the perspectives of people with psychosis on the influence of traumatic experiences on psychotic symptoms and …
Background Despite experiencing high rates of trauma and trauma-related conditions,
people with psychosis are seldomly asked about possible traumatic events. While there are …
people with psychosis are seldomly asked about possible traumatic events. While there are …