The knowledge, skill, and ability requirements for teamwork: Implications for human resource management
This study reviews the literature on groups to determine the knowledge, skill, and ability
(KSA) requirements for teamwork. The focus is on:(1) KSAs rather than personality traits;(2) …
(KSA) requirements for teamwork. The focus is on:(1) KSAs rather than personality traits;(2) …
Psychological testing and psychological assessment: A review of evidence and issues.
This article summarizes evidence and issues associated with psychological assessment.
Data from more than 125 meta-analyses on test validity and 800 samples examining …
Data from more than 125 meta-analyses on test validity and 800 samples examining …
The comprehensive assessment of team member effectiveness: Development of a behaviorally anchored rating scale for self-and peer evaluation
Instructors often incorporate self-and peer evaluations when they use teamwork in their
classes, which is common in management education. However, the process is often time …
classes, which is common in management education. However, the process is often time …
The big five personality dimensions and job performance: a meta‐analysis
This study investigated the relation of the “Big Five” personality dimensions (Extraversion,
Emotional Stability, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, and Openness to Experience) to …
Emotional Stability, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, and Openness to Experience) to …
[CARTE][B] Organizational justice and human resource management
RG Folger, R Folger, R Cropanzano - 1998 -
Why are some acts but not others perceived to be fair? How do people who experience
unfairness respond toward others held accountable for the unfairness? This book reviews …
unfairness respond toward others held accountable for the unfairness? This book reviews …
[CARTE][B] Understanding performance appraisal: Social, organizational, and goal-based perspectives
KR Murphy, JN Cleveland - 1995 -
Based on a previous book by the same authors, Understanding Performance Appraisal
delineates a social-psychological model of the appraisal process that emphasizes the goals …
delineates a social-psychological model of the appraisal process that emphasizes the goals …
Personality and job performance: the Big Five revisited.
GM Hurtz, JJ Donovan - Journal of applied psychology, 2000 -
Prior meta-analyses investigating the relation between the Big 5 personality dimensions and
job performance have all contained a threat to construct validity, in that much of the data …
job performance have all contained a threat to construct validity, in that much of the data …
Personality measures as predictors of job performance: A meta‐analytic review
RP Tett, DN Jackson, M Rothstein - Personnel psychology, 1991 - Wiley Online Library
The purpose of this study was to investigate conflicting findings in previous research on
personality and job performance. Meta‐analysis was used to (a) assess the overall validity …
personality and job performance. Meta‐analysis was used to (a) assess the overall validity …
The perceived fairness of selection systems: An organizational justice perspective
SW Gilliland - Academy of management review, 1993 -
A justice model of applicants' reactions to employment-selection systems is proposed as a
basis for organizing previous findings and guiding future research. Organizational justice …
basis for organizing previous findings and guiding future research. Organizational justice …
[CARTE][B] The nature of leadership
J Antonakis, DV Day - 2017 -
With contributions by leading scholars in the field, The Nature of Leadership, Third Edition
begins with an overview of the major schools of leadership, examining individual …
begins with an overview of the major schools of leadership, examining individual …