Empirical equations for the prediction of the significant, bracketed, and uniform duration of earthquake ground motion

JJ Bommer, PJ Stafford… - Bulletin of the …, 2009 - pubs.geoscienceworld.org
The complete characterization of earthquake ground motion includes the length of the
interval of strong shaking as well as the amplitude and frequency content of the time series …

Engineering ground-motion parameters attenuation relationships for Greece

L Danciu, GA Tselentis - Bulletin of the Seismological …, 2007 - pubs.geoscienceworld.org
Engineering ground-motion parameters can be used to describe the damage potential of an
earthquake. Some of them correlate well with several commonly used demand measures of …

Selection of earthquake ground motions for multiple objectives using genetic algorithms

PE Mergos, AG Sextos - Engineering Structures, 2019 - Elsevier
Existing earthquake ground motion (GM) selection methods for the seismic assessment of
structural systems focus on spectral compatibility in terms of either only central values or …

Empirical models for the prediction of ground motion duration for intraplate earthquakes

P Anbazhagan, M Neaz Sheikh, K Bajaj… - Journal of …, 2017 - Springer
Many empirical relationships for the earthquake ground motion duration were developed for
interplate region, whereas only a very limited number of empirical relationships exist for …

Empirical equations for the prediction of the bracketed and uniform duration of earthquake ground motion using the Iran database

MR Manesh, H Saffari - Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2020 - Elsevier
This study presents new empirical prediction equations for a number of bracketed and
uniform durations using the Iranian strong ground motion database of accelerograms for the …

A deterministic seismic hazard analysis for shallow earthquakes in Greece

L Moratto, B Orlecka-Sikora, G Costa, P Suhadolc… - Tectonophysics, 2007 - Elsevier
The maximum expected ground motion in Greece is estimated for shallow earthquakes
using a deterministic seismic hazard analysis (DSHA). In order to accomplish this analysis …

Probabilistic seismic hazard assessment in Greece–Part 1: Engineering ground motion parameters

GA Tselentis, L Danciu - Natural Hazards and Earth System …, 2010 - nhess.copernicus.org
Seismic hazard assessment represents a basic tool for rational planning and designing in
seismic prone areas. In the present study, a probabilistic seismic hazard assessment in …

Spectral decomposition of S-waves in investigating regional dependent attenuation and improving site amplification factors: A case study in western Greece

I Grendas, N Theodoulidis, F Hollender… - Bulletin of Earthquake …, 2022 - Springer
Seismic-hazard analysis is based on the knowledge of the factors that configure the wave
attenuation properties due to the loss of energy radiated away from the source (geometrical …

A non-parametric model of ground motion parameters for shallow crustal earthquakes in Europe

RK Sriwastav, J Yedulla, STG Raghukanth - Soil Dynamics and Earthquake …, 2024 - Elsevier
The current study focuses on deriving ground motion models (GMMs) for 21 ground motion
parameters derived from data sourced from the Engineering Strong Motion (ESM) database …

Seismic hazard assessment in the broader aegean area using time-independent seismicity models based on synthetic earthquake catalogs

DA Vamvakaris, CB Papazachos… - Bulletin of the …, 2016 - ejournals.epublishing.ekt.gr
In order to evaluate the seismic hazard for the broader Aegean area, a modified
timeindependent seismicity model is used. A Monte-Carlo procedure has been employed to …