Comparisons of the kinematics and deep structures of the Zagros and Himalaya and of the Iranian and Tibetan plateaus and geodynamic implications
D Hatzfeld, P Molnar - Reviews of Geophysics, 2010 - Wiley Online Library
We compare the geologic histories, the deep structures, and the present‐day kinematics of
deformation of the Himalaya and the adjacent Tibetan Plateau with those of the Zagros and …
deformation of the Himalaya and the adjacent Tibetan Plateau with those of the Zagros and …
The coupling of Indian subduction and Asian continental tectonics
In order to understand the potential controls on Asian tectonics during the subduction of the
Tethys and Indian lithospheres, we reconstruct the coupled subduction-continent …
Tethys and Indian lithospheres, we reconstruct the coupled subduction-continent …
A seismic reference model for the crust and uppermost mantle beneath China from surface wave dispersion
Using data from more than 2000 seismic stations from multiple networks arrayed throughout
China (CEArray, China Array, NECESS, PASSCAL, GSN) and surrounding regions (Korean …
China (CEArray, China Array, NECESS, PASSCAL, GSN) and surrounding regions (Korean …
A synoptic view of the distribution and connectivity of the mid‐crustal low velocity zone beneath Tibet
Based on 1–2 years of continuous observations of seismic ambient noise data obtained at
more than 600 stations in and around Tibet, Rayleigh wave phase velocity maps are …
more than 600 stations in and around Tibet, Rayleigh wave phase velocity maps are …
East Asia mantle tomography: New insight into plate subduction and intraplate volcanism
We present a new P-wave tomographic model beneath East Asia by inverting 1,401,797
arrival-time data recorded by the regional seismic networks in East Asia and temporary …
arrival-time data recorded by the regional seismic networks in East Asia and temporary …
Monte-Carlo inversion for a global shear-velocity model of the crust and upper mantle
We describe a method to invert surface wave dispersion data for a model of shear velocities
with uncertainties in the crust and uppermost mantle. The inversion is a multistep process …
with uncertainties in the crust and uppermost mantle. The inversion is a multistep process …
A fast and reliable method for surface wave tomography
MP Barmin, MH Ritzwoller, AL Levshin - Monitoring the comprehensive …, 2001 - Springer
We describe a method to invert regional or global scale surface-wave group or phase-
velocity measurements to estimate 2-D models of the distribution and strength of isotropic …
velocity measurements to estimate 2-D models of the distribution and strength of isotropic …
Joint inversion of surface wave dispersion and receiver functions: a Bayesian Monte-Carlo approach
A non-linear Bayesian Monte-Carlo method is presented to estimate a Vsv model beneath
stations by jointly interpreting Rayleigh wave dispersion and receiver functions and …
stations by jointly interpreting Rayleigh wave dispersion and receiver functions and …
The structure of the crust and uppermost mantle beneath South China from ambient noise and earthquake tomography
Two years of continuous recordings of ambient seismic noise observed at 354 stations in
South China from 2009 to 2010 are used to estimate Rayleigh wave group and phase …
South China from 2009 to 2010 are used to estimate Rayleigh wave group and phase …
[KNYGA][B] Lithosphere: an interdisciplinary approach
IM Artemʹeva - 2011 -
Presenting a coherent synthesis of lithosphere studies, this book covers a range of
geophysical methods (seismic reflection, refraction, and receiver function methods; elastic …
geophysical methods (seismic reflection, refraction, and receiver function methods; elastic …