Turning attention inside out: How working memory serves behavior

F Van Ede, AC Nobre - Annual review of psychology, 2023‏ - annualreviews.org
Flexible behavior requires guidance not only by sensations that are available immediately
but also by relevant mental contents carried forward through working memory. Therefore …

Working memory and attention–A conceptual analysis and review

K Oberauer - Journal of cognition, 2019‏ - pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
There is broad agreement that working memory is closely related to attention. This article
delineates several theoretical options for conceptualizing this link, and evaluates their …

Benchmarks for models of short-term and working memory.

K Oberauer, S Lewandowsky, E Awh… - Psychological …, 2018‏ - psycnet.apa.org
Any mature field of research in psychology—such as short-term/working memory—is
characterized by a wealth of empirical findings. It is currently unrealistic to expect a theory to …

The psychology experiment building language (PEBL) and PEBL test battery

ST Mueller, BJ Piper - Journal of neuroscience methods, 2014‏ - Elsevier
Background We briefly describe the Psychology Experiment Building Language (PEBL), an
open source software system for designing and running psychological experiments. New …

In search of the focus of attention in working memory: 13 years of the retro-cue effect

AS Souza, K Oberauer - Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 2016‏ - Springer
The concept of attention has a prominent place in cognitive psychology. Attention can be
directed not only to perceptual information, but also to information in working memory (WM) …

Different states in visual working memory: When it guides attention and when it does not

CNL Olivers, J Peters, R Houtkamp… - Trends in cognitive …, 2011‏ - cell.com
Recent studies have revealed a strong relationship between visual working memory and
selective attention, such that attention is biased by what is currently on our mind. However …

The mechanisms of working memory capacity: Primary memory, secondary memory, and attention control

Z Shipstead, DRB Lindsey, RL Marshall… - Journal of Memory and …, 2014‏ - Elsevier
Working memory capacity is traditionally treated as a unitary construct that can be explained
using one cognitive mechanism (eg, storage, attention control). Several recent studies have …

[ספר][B] Working memory capacity

N Cowan - 2012‏ - taylorfrancis.com
The idea of one's memory" filling up" is a humorous misconception of how memory in
general is thought to work; it is actually has no capacity limit. However, the idea of a" full …

Task switching: interplay of reconfiguration and interference control.

A Vandierendonck, B Liefooghe… - Psychological …, 2010‏ - psycnet.apa.org
The task-switching paradigm is being increasingly used as a tool for studying cognitive
control and task coordination. Different procedural variations have been developed. They …

Effects and mechanisms of working memory training: a review

CC Von Bastian, K Oberauer - Psychological research, 2014‏ - Springer
Can cognitive abilities such as reasoning be improved through working memory training?
This question is still highly controversial, with prior studies providing contradictory findings …