Turning attention inside out: How working memory serves behavior
Flexible behavior requires guidance not only by sensations that are available immediately
but also by relevant mental contents carried forward through working memory. Therefore …
but also by relevant mental contents carried forward through working memory. Therefore …
Working memory and attention–A conceptual analysis and review
There is broad agreement that working memory is closely related to attention. This article
delineates several theoretical options for conceptualizing this link, and evaluates their …
delineates several theoretical options for conceptualizing this link, and evaluates their …
Benchmarks for models of short-term and working memory.
Any mature field of research in psychology—such as short-term/working memory—is
characterized by a wealth of empirical findings. It is currently unrealistic to expect a theory to …
characterized by a wealth of empirical findings. It is currently unrealistic to expect a theory to …
The psychology experiment building language (PEBL) and PEBL test battery
Background We briefly describe the Psychology Experiment Building Language (PEBL), an
open source software system for designing and running psychological experiments. New …
open source software system for designing and running psychological experiments. New …
In search of the focus of attention in working memory: 13 years of the retro-cue effect
The concept of attention has a prominent place in cognitive psychology. Attention can be
directed not only to perceptual information, but also to information in working memory (WM) …
directed not only to perceptual information, but also to information in working memory (WM) …
Different states in visual working memory: When it guides attention and when it does not
Recent studies have revealed a strong relationship between visual working memory and
selective attention, such that attention is biased by what is currently on our mind. However …
selective attention, such that attention is biased by what is currently on our mind. However …
The mechanisms of working memory capacity: Primary memory, secondary memory, and attention control
Working memory capacity is traditionally treated as a unitary construct that can be explained
using one cognitive mechanism (eg, storage, attention control). Several recent studies have …
using one cognitive mechanism (eg, storage, attention control). Several recent studies have …
[ספר][B] Working memory capacity
N Cowan - 2012 - taylorfrancis.com
The idea of one's memory" filling up" is a humorous misconception of how memory in
general is thought to work; it is actually has no capacity limit. However, the idea of a" full …
general is thought to work; it is actually has no capacity limit. However, the idea of a" full …
Task switching: interplay of reconfiguration and interference control.
The task-switching paradigm is being increasingly used as a tool for studying cognitive
control and task coordination. Different procedural variations have been developed. They …
control and task coordination. Different procedural variations have been developed. They …
Effects and mechanisms of working memory training: a review
Can cognitive abilities such as reasoning be improved through working memory training?
This question is still highly controversial, with prior studies providing contradictory findings …
This question is still highly controversial, with prior studies providing contradictory findings …