Effectiveness of offline and online learning during COVID-19 pandemic: Two-factor analysis of variant approach in S-1 Students of FKIP University PGRI Banyuwangi …

M Najib, A Mursidi - Linguistics and Culture Review, 2022‏ - lingcure.org
This study aims to determine the effectiveness of offline learning and online learning with a
two-factor analysis of variance approach. The subjects in this study were undergraduate …

Factors affecting the specialty choice among medical students of Saudi Arabia; an exploratory study

S Nisar, A Rehman, M AbouTouk, SM Alsanosi… - BMC Medical …, 2024‏ - Springer
Career or specialty choice is one of the crucial steps of a medical student's life. It'sa difficult
yet important decision that is hard to reverse after getting into the residency program. The …

The Role of Hybrid Events in Reviving the Hotel Industry in Egypt after the COVID-19 Pandemic: An Exploratory Study

HM Hussien, R Touni - … Journal of Heritage, Tourism and Hospitality, 2022‏ - journals.ekb.eg
After the COVID-19 pandemic, governments obligated travel restrictions that negatively
affected the international hotel industry. The events industry is also destructively influenced …

Counselling needs in professional and non-professional students.

A Bhuskute, S Chib, R Patil, S Maita - 2021‏ - cabidigitallibrary.org
Physical health as well as mental health, both plays a very key role in one's wellbeing. Due
to this ongoing pandemic situation, both physical and mental health is at stake, and one …

A New Insight On MBA Students Learning Sustainability After Post-Covid Using PREZI Software Through The E 3P 2 Framework

SL Priyadharshini, JD Lakshmi… - Journal of Positive …, 2022‏ -
This research paper expects to analyze the impact of PREZI software on Emotional
Intelligence, Evocation, Enthusiastic Engagement, Paradigm, and Psychomotor Learning …

Stress and Co** Issues in Management Students Post COVID-19 Lockdown

S Chib - 2022‏ - researchsquare.com
COVID-19 pandemic emerged as a very challenging issue for everybody. Education system
received a big blow, and the whole system was transferred into virtual mode. Transition from …