[HTML][HTML] An overview of monitoring methods for assessing the performance of nature-based solutions against natural hazards
To bring to fruition the capability of nature-based solutions (NBS) in mitigating hydro-
meteorological risks (HMRs) and facilitate their widespread uptake require a consolidated …
meteorological risks (HMRs) and facilitate their widespread uptake require a consolidated …
[HTML][HTML] Root reinforcement in slope stability models: a review
The influence of vegetation on mechanical and hydrological soil behavior represents a
significant factor to be considered in shallow landslides modelling. Among the multiple …
significant factor to be considered in shallow landslides modelling. Among the multiple …
Natural disturbance impacts on ecosystem services and biodiversity in temperate and boreal forests
In many parts of the world forest disturbance regimes have intensified recently, and future
climatic changes are expected to amplify this development further in the coming decades …
climatic changes are expected to amplify this development further in the coming decades …
Current research issues related to post-wildfire runoff and erosion processes
Research into post-wildfire effects began in the United States more than 70years ago and
only later extended to other parts of the world. Post-wildfire responses are typically transient …
only later extended to other parts of the world. Post-wildfire responses are typically transient …
Dynamic earth system and ecological controls of rainfall-initiated landslides
Rainfall-initiated landslides continue to inflict damages and loss of life throughout the world.
Processes and mechanisms revealed from hydrological, geomorphic, geotechnical …
Processes and mechanisms revealed from hydrological, geomorphic, geotechnical …
The influence of herbaceous vegetation on slope stability–a review
Worldwide, shallow slope failure is a problem causing environmental and economic
damage. Vegetation plays an important role for the stabilization of slopes. Accordingly …
damage. Vegetation plays an important role for the stabilization of slopes. Accordingly …
A novel ensemble bivariate statistical evidential belief function with knowledge-based analytical hierarchy process and multivariate statistical logistic regression for …
This study compares the landslide susceptibility maps from four application models,
namely,(1) the bivariate model of the Dempster–Shafer based evidential belief function …
namely,(1) the bivariate model of the Dempster–Shafer based evidential belief function …
[HTML][HTML] Application of ensemble-based machine learning models to landslide susceptibility map**
The main purpose of this study was to produce landslide susceptibility maps using various
ensemble-based machine learning models (ie, the AdaBoost, LogitBoost, Multiclass …
ensemble-based machine learning models (ie, the AdaBoost, LogitBoost, Multiclass …
[HTML][HTML] Modeling shallow landslides and root reinforcement: A review
Abstract Slope Stability Models (SSMs) are valuable tools used as decision support in land
management to mitigate catastrophic effects caused by rainfall-induced shallow landslides …
management to mitigate catastrophic effects caused by rainfall-induced shallow landslides …
Spatial data for landslide susceptibility, hazard, and vulnerability assessment: An overview
The aim of this paper is to discuss a number of issues related to the use of spatial
information for landslide susceptibility, hazard, and vulnerability assessment. The paper …
information for landslide susceptibility, hazard, and vulnerability assessment. The paper …