Slow-moving landslides interacting with the road network: Analysis of damage using ancillary data, in situ surveys and multi-source monitoring data
Slow-moving landslides are widespread natural hazards that can affect both social and
economic activities causing damage to structures and infrastructure networks. This paper …
economic activities causing damage to structures and infrastructure networks. This paper …
Quantitative analysis of the risk to road networks exposed to slow-moving landslides: a case study in the Campania region (southern Italy)
This paper shows the results of a study aimed at quantitatively estimating—in terms of direct
(repair) costs, at large scale (1: 5000)—the slow-moving landslide risk to a road network …
(repair) costs, at large scale (1: 5000)—the slow-moving landslide risk to a road network …
Monitoring buildings at landslide risk with SAR: A methodology based on the use of multipass interferometric data
Here, we describe the improvements that have enabled the 3D reconstruction and
monitoring of buildings, with reference to their protection against and prevention of risks. We …
monitoring of buildings, with reference to their protection against and prevention of risks. We …
Full integration of geomorphological, geotechnical, A-DInSAR and damage data for detailed geometric-kinematic features of a slow-moving landslide in urban area
The reconnaissance, map** and analysis of kinematic features of slow-moving landslides
evolving along medium-deep sliding surfaces in urban areas can be a difficult task due to …
evolving along medium-deep sliding surfaces in urban areas can be a difficult task due to …
[HTML][HTML] Assessment of the physical vulnerability of buildings affected by slow-moving landslides
Q Chen, L Chen, L Gui, K Yin… - … hazards and earth …, 2020 - nhess.copernicus.org
Physical vulnerability is a challenging and fundamental issue in landslide risk assessment.
Previous studies mostly focus on generalized vulnerability assessment from landslides or …
Previous studies mostly focus on generalized vulnerability assessment from landslides or …
Quantitative analysis of consequences to masonry buildings interacting with slow-moving landslide mechanisms: a case study
Quantitative analysis of consequences (in terms of expected monetary losses) induced by
slow-moving landslide mechanisms to buildings or infrastructure networks is a key step in …
slow-moving landslide mechanisms to buildings or infrastructure networks is a key step in …
A multi-scale methodological approach for slow-moving landslide risk mitigation in urban areas, southern Italy
Several urban areas in Euro-Mediterranean countries are affected by slow-moving
landslides that, even if rarely associated with the loss of human life, can cause damage to …
landslides that, even if rarely associated with the loss of human life, can cause damage to …
[HTML][HTML] Small-scale analysis to rank municipalities requiring slow-moving landslide risk mitigation measures: the case study of the Calabria region (southern Italy)
This paper proposes a three-phase method that combines multi-source (ie topographic,
thematic, monitoring) input data in a GIS environment to rank—at small (1: 250,000) scale …
thematic, monitoring) input data in a GIS environment to rank—at small (1: 250,000) scale …
Damage to masonry buildings interacting with slow-moving landslides: a numerical analysis
This paper presents the results of a numerical analysis aimed at investigating the response–
in terms of damage occurrence and development–of a masonry building undergoing …
in terms of damage occurrence and development–of a masonry building undergoing …
Geology, slow-moving landslides, and damages to buildings in the Verbicaro area (north-western Calabria region, southern Italy)
This paper presents a mass movement inventory map at 1: 5000 scale of the Verbicaro area
(about 13 km2) located in the Calabria region (southern Italy). The Main Map results from the …
(about 13 km2) located in the Calabria region (southern Italy). The Main Map results from the …