Critical phenomena in complex networks

SN Dorogovtsev, AV Goltsev, JFF Mendes - Reviews of Modern Physics, 2008 - APS
The combination of the compactness of networks, featuring small diameters, and their
complex architectures results in a variety of critical effects dramatically different from those in …

Simplicial SIS model in scale-free uniform hypergraph

B Jhun, M Jo, B Kahng - Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory …, 2019 -
The hypergraph offers a platform to study structural properties emerging from more
complicated and higher-order than pairwise interactions among constituents and dynamical …

[HTML][HTML] Emergence of bimodality in controlling complex networks

T Jia, YY Liu, E Csóka, M Pósfai, JJ Slotine… - Nature …, 2013 -
Our ability to control complex systems is a fundamental challenge of contemporary science.
Recently introduced tools to identify the driver nodes, nodes through which we can achieve …

Articulation points in complex networks

L Tian, A Bashan, DN Shi, YY Liu - Nature communications, 2017 -
An articulation point in a network is a node whose removal disconnects the network. Those
nodes play key roles in ensuring connectivity of many real-world networks, from …

Control capacity and a random sampling method in exploring controllability of complex networks

T Jia, AL Barabási - Scientific reports, 2013 -
Controlling complex systems is a fundamental challenge of network science. Recent
advances indicate that control over the system can be achieved through a minimum driver …

Human information processing in complex networks

CW Lynn, L Papadopoulos, AE Kahn, DS Bassett - Nature Physics, 2020 -
Humans communicate using systems of interconnected stimuli or concepts—from language
and music to literature and science—yet it remains unclear how, if at all, the structure of …

Kuramoto model with frequency-degree correlations on complex networks

BC Coutinho, AV Goltsev, SN Dorogovtsev… - Physical Review E …, 2013 - APS
We study the Kuramoto model on complex networks, in which natural frequencies of phase
oscillators and the vertex degrees are correlated. Using the annealed network …

Effective epidemic containment strategy in hypergraphs

B Jhun - Physical Review Research, 2021 - APS
Recently, hypergraphs have attracted considerable interest from the research community as
a generalization of networks capable of encoding higher-order interactions, which …

Percolation on correlated networks

AV Goltsev, SN Dorogovtsev, JFF Mendes - Physical Review E—Statistical …, 2008 - APS
We reconsider the problem of percolation on an equilibrium random network with degree-
degree correlations between nearest-neighboring vertices focusing on critical singularities …

Core percolation on complex networks

YY Liu, E Csóka, H Zhou, M Pósfai - Physical review letters, 2012 - APS
We analytically solve the core percolation problem for complex networks with arbitrary
degree distributions. We find that purely scale-free networks have no core for any degree …