Different topological properties of EEG-derived networks describe working memory phases as revealed by graph theoretical analysis
Several non-invasive imaging methods have contributed to shed light on the brain
mechanisms underlying working memory (WM). The aim of the present study was to depict …
mechanisms underlying working memory (WM). The aim of the present study was to depict …
Using high-density electroencephalography to explore spatiotemporal representations of object categories in visual cortex
Visual object perception involves neural processes that unfold over time and recruit multiple
regions of the brain. Here, we use high-density EEG to investigate the spatiotemporal …
regions of the brain. Here, we use high-density EEG to investigate the spatiotemporal …
Electrophysiological correlates of encoding processes in a full-report visual working memory paradigm
Why are some visual stimuli remembered, whereas others are forgotten? A limitation of
recognition paradigms is that they measure aggregate behavioral performance and/or …
recognition paradigms is that they measure aggregate behavioral performance and/or …
Phonological underspecification: an explanation for how a rake can become awake
AE Cummings, YC Wu, DA Ogiela - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 2021 - frontiersin.org
Neural markers, such as the mismatch negativity (MMN), have been used to examine the
phonological underspecification of English feature contrasts using the Featurally …
phonological underspecification of English feature contrasts using the Featurally …
(Re-) organisation of spatial configurations in visual working memory: The fate of objects rendered relevant or irrelevant by selective attention
JD Timm, F Papenmeier - Quarterly Journal of Experimental …, 2020 - journals.sagepub.com
People maintain object locations not as independent absolute positions but based on inter-
object relations in the form of a spatial configuration in visual working memory (VWM). Initial …
object relations in the form of a spatial configuration in visual working memory (VWM). Initial …
Steady-state visually evoked potential is modulated by the difference of recognition condition
Recent researches revealed that the EEG component caused by the flickering visual
stimulus, which is called steady-state visually evoked potential (SSVEP), might be a …
stimulus, which is called steady-state visually evoked potential (SSVEP), might be a …
Statistical causality in the eeg for the study of cognitive functions in healthy and pathological brains
A Anzolin - 2018 - iris.uniroma1.it
Understanding brain functions requires not only information about the spatial localization of
neural activity, but also about the dynamic functional links between the involved groups of …
neural activity, but also about the dynamic functional links between the involved groups of …
Reorganization of spatial configurations in visual working memory: A matter of set size?
JD Timm, F Papenmeier - Plos one, 2019 - journals.plos.org
Humans process single objects in relation to other simultaneously maintained objects in
visual working memory. This interdependence is called spatial configuration. Humans are …
visual working memory. This interdependence is called spatial configuration. Humans are …
Individual differences reveal limited mixed-category effects during a visual working memory task
Using stimuli from different categories may expand the capacity limits of working memory
(WM) by spreading item representations across distinct neural populations. We explored this …
(WM) by spreading item representations across distinct neural populations. We explored this …
Neural Correlates of Object-Based Attention in Retinotopic Visual Cortex in a 100% Valid Cueing Task
TK Lytchenko - 2024 - search.proquest.com
A central debated question in the study of Object-Based Attention (OBA) is whether attention
spreads automatically to the entire object (Chen & Cave, 2006) or whether the pattern of …
spreads automatically to the entire object (Chen & Cave, 2006) or whether the pattern of …