[Књига][B] Complexity theory and the social sciences: The state of the art
D Byrne, G Callaghan - 2022 - taylorfrancis.com
This expanded and updated edition of Complexity Theory and the Social Sciences: The
State of the Art revisits the use of complexity theory across the social sciences and …
State of the Art revisits the use of complexity theory across the social sciences and …
[PDF][PDF] Diverse approaches to creating and using causal loop diagrams in public health research: recommendations from a sco** review
L Baugh Littlejohns, C Hill, C Neudorf - Public health reviews, 2021 - ssph-journal.org
Objectives: Complex systems thinking methods are increasingly called for and used as
analytical lenses in public health research. The use of qualitative system map** and in …
analytical lenses in public health research. The use of qualitative system map** and in …
Statistical analysis of the regional air quality index of Yangtze River Delta based on complex network theory
JB Liu, YQ Zheng, CC Lee - Applied Energy, 2024 - Elsevier
Air pollution is an urgent global issue with significant implications for the environment and
public health. This study focuses on the daily Air Quality Index (AQI) data from 27 major …
public health. This study focuses on the daily Air Quality Index (AQI) data from 27 major …
The ENCOMPASS framework: a practical guide for the evaluation of public health programmes in complex adaptive systems
Background Systems thinking embraces the complexity of public health problems, including
childhood overweight and obesity. It aids in understanding how factors are interrelated, and …
childhood overweight and obesity. It aids in understanding how factors are interrelated, and …
Psychosocial peer support to address mental health and burnout of health care workers affected by COVID-19: a qualitative evaluation
L Simms, KE Ottman, JL Griffith, MG Knight… - International journal of …, 2023 - mdpi.com
Health care workers in the US are experiencing alarming rates of burnout. Furthermore, the
COVID-19 pandemic has worsened this issue. Psychosocial peer-support programs that …
COVID-19 pandemic has worsened this issue. Psychosocial peer-support programs that …
Public health relevance of US EPA air quality index activity recommendations
Importance Reducing exposure to fine particulate matter (< 2.5 μm [PM 2.5]) air pollution
improves cardiopulmonary morbidity and mortality. However, the public health relevance of …
improves cardiopulmonary morbidity and mortality. However, the public health relevance of …
Guidance on the use of complex systems models for economic evaluations of public health interventions
To help health economic modelers respond to demands for greater use of complex systems
models in public health. To propose identifiable features of such models and support …
models in public health. To propose identifiable features of such models and support …
A sco** review of systems approaches for increasing physical activity in populations
Introduction The past decade has increasingly seen systems approaches as a featured
theme in public health studies and policy documents. This trend is evident in the area of …
theme in public health studies and policy documents. This trend is evident in the area of …
Why we struggle to make progress in obesity prevention and how we might overcome policy inertia: Lessons from the complexity and political sciences
Despite evidence for the effectiveness of policies that target obesogenic environments, their
adoption remains deficient. Using methods and concepts from complexity and political …
adoption remains deficient. Using methods and concepts from complexity and political …
Development of the Systems Thinking for Health Actions framework: a literature review and a case study
J Thelen, CS Fruchtman, M Bilal, K Gabaake… - BMJ global …, 2023 - gh.bmj.com
Background Systems thinking is an approach that views systems with a holistic lens,
focusing on how components of systems are interconnected. Specifically, the application of …
focusing on how components of systems are interconnected. Specifically, the application of …