Question-asking in childhood: A review of the literature and a framework for understanding its development

S Ronfard, IM Zambrana, TK Hermansen… - Developmental …, 2018 - Elsevier
Children's ability to query others is remarkable because it attests to their coordination of a
range of complex cognitive capacities and because it allows them to initiate and redirect …

Social class shapes the form and function of relationships and selves

RM Carey, HR Markus - Current Opinion in Psychology, 2017 - Elsevier
Highlights•Social class differences in self reflect differences in relational realities.•In lower
class contexts strong networks that aid survival foster interdependence.•In higher class …

[КНИГА][B] Cross-cultural psychology: Critical thinking and contemporary applications

EB Shiraev, DA Levy - 2020 -
Written in a conversational style that transforms complex ideas into accessible ones, this
international best-selling textbook provides an interdisciplinary review of the theories and …

Culture and social change in mothers' and fathers' individualism, collectivism and parenting attitudes

JE Lansford, S Zietz, SM Al-Hassan, D Bacchini… - Social Sciences, 2021 -
Cultures and families are not static over time but evolve in response to social
transformations, such as changing gender roles, urbanization, globalization, and technology …

Cross-national variation of gender differences in environmental concern: Testing the sociocultural hindrance hypothesis

HW Chan, V Pong, KP Tam - Environment and Behavior, 2019 -
Although it is widely accepted that women are more pro-environmental than men, findings
regarding gender differences in environmental concern have actually been mixed. In this …

Creating home: Socioeconomic status and home environment as predictors of family climate for creativity

DM Jankowska, I Lebuda, J Gralewski - Thinking Skills and Creativity, 2024 - Elsevier
Does a family's economic, cultural, and social capital link to the family climate for creativity at
home? To address this question, we analyze the relationship between a family's …

Family socio-economic status and Chinese preschoolers' anxious symptoms during the COVID-19 pandemic: The roles of parental investment, parenting style, home …

L Zhang, H Cao, C Lin, P Ye - Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 2022 - Elsevier
Using data from 16,161 families with target child of 3–6 years old in Hubei, China during
COVID-19 pandemic, this study examined the association between family socio-economic …

To endure or to resist? Adolescents' co** with overprotective parenting

N Flamant, M Boncquet, S Van Petegem… - Journal of Applied …, 2022 - Elsevier
Scholars typically consider parental overprotection to be a maladaptive type of parenting
with negative repercussions for adolescents' psychosocial adjustment, with frustration of …

[PDF][PDF] Internalisasi Nilai Kemandirian Anak melalui Parenting

HM Putra, A Prakasa, P Kurniati - Jurnal Obsesi: Jurnal …, 2022 -
Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh peran orang tua yang terlibat aktif secara lansung dalam
kegiatan pengasuhan anak. Orang tua harus menanamkan nilai kemandirian melalui …

Perceived parental control, parent-adolescent relationship and adolescents' psychological adjustment. Does gender matter?

M Bacikova-Sleskova, L Barbierik… - Journal of Child and Family …, 2024 - Springer
The aim of the present study was to explore the gender-specific links between perceived
parental behavioral and psychological control and adolescents' psychological adjustment …