Psychedelic drugs: neurobiology and potential for treatment of psychiatric disorders
Renewed interest in the use of psychedelics in the treatment of psychiatric disorders
warrants a better understanding of the neurobiological mechanisms underlying the effects of …
warrants a better understanding of the neurobiological mechanisms underlying the effects of …
Molecular mechanisms underlying the antidepressant actions of arketamine: beyond the NMDA receptor
The discovery of robust antidepressant actions exerted by the N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor
(NMDAR) antagonist (R, S)-ketamine has been a crucial breakthrough in mood disorder …
(NMDAR) antagonist (R, S)-ketamine has been a crucial breakthrough in mood disorder …
Treatment‐resistant depression: definition, prevalence, detection, management, and investigational interventions
Treatment‐resistant depression (TRD) is common and associated with multiple serious
public health implications. A consensus definition of TRD with demonstrated predictive utility …
public health implications. A consensus definition of TRD with demonstrated predictive utility …
Connectome gradient dysfunction in major depression and its association with gene expression profiles and treatment outcomes
Patients with major depressive disorder (MDD) exhibit concurrent deficits in both sensory
and higher-order cognitive processing. Connectome studies have suggested a principal …
and higher-order cognitive processing. Connectome studies have suggested a principal …
Adhesive and hydrophobic bilayer hydrogel enabled on‐skin biosensors for high‐fidelity classification of human emotion
Traditional human emotion recognition is based on electroencephalogram (EEG) data
collection technologies which rely on plenty of rigid electrodes and lack anti‐interference …
collection technologies which rely on plenty of rigid electrodes and lack anti‐interference …
The C Factor: Cognitive dysfunction as a transdiagnostic dimension in psychopathology
Research into cognitive functions across psychological disorders suggests that cognitive
deficiencies may be present across multiple disorders, potentially pointing to a …
deficiencies may be present across multiple disorders, potentially pointing to a …
Protein misfolding and amyloid nucleation through liquid–liquid phase separation
Liquid–liquid phase separation (LLPS) is an emerging phenomenon in cell physiology and
diseases. The weak multivalent interaction prerequisite for LLPS is believed to be facilitated …
diseases. The weak multivalent interaction prerequisite for LLPS is believed to be facilitated …
PTSD symptoms among health workers and public service providers during the COVID-19 outbreak
In the frontline of the pandemic stand healthcare workers and public service providers,
occupations which have proven to be associated with increased mental health problems …
occupations which have proven to be associated with increased mental health problems …
Cognitive impairment in depression: recent advances and novel treatments
In the past, little or no attention was paid to cognitive disorders associated with depression
(a condition sometimes termed pseudodementia). However, recent years have seen a …
(a condition sometimes termed pseudodementia). However, recent years have seen a …
The clinical characterization of the adult patient with depression aimed at personalization of management
Depression is widely acknowledged to be a heterogeneous entity, and the need to further
characterize the individual patient who has received this diagnosis in order to personalize …
characterize the individual patient who has received this diagnosis in order to personalize …