Approximately common patterns in shared-forests
M Vilares, FJ Ribadas, J Grana - … of the tenth international conference on …, 2001 - dl.acm.org
We present a proposal intended to demonstrate the applicability of tabulation techniques for
detecting approximately common patterns when dealing with structures sharing some …
detecting approximately common patterns when dealing with structures sharing some …
A theoretical analysis of tree edit distance measures
T Kuboyama, K Shin, T Miyahara - IPSJ Digital Courier, 2005 - jstage.jst.go.jp
The notion of the tree edit distance provides a unifying framework for measuring distance
and finding approximate common patterns between two trees. A diversity of tree edit …
and finding approximate common patterns between two trees. A diversity of tree edit …
Calculating Similarities between Tree Data Based on Structural Analysis
K Ikeda, T Kobayashi, K Hatano… - … : Proceedings of the 3rd …, 2011 - Springer
In recent years, a huge amount of data is generated every day. People usually extract useful
information from the data to live conveniently. In order to extract such useful information …
information from the data to live conveniently. In order to extract such useful information …
Análisis eficaz de gramáticas de cláusulas definidas
D Cabrero - 2002 - ruc.udc.es
Dentro del análisis sintáctico, la utilización de formalismos gramaticales valuados es, hoy
por hoy, punto inconturnable'en el desarrollo de estrategias de análisis sintáctico en …
por hoy, punto inconturnable'en el desarrollo de estrategias de análisis sintáctico en …
Reconocimiento de patrones en bosques compartidos
FJ Ribadas Pena - 2002 - ruc.udc.es
El uso de árboles como formalismo de representación es una técnica empleada
comúnmente en multitud de campos de la informática. Podemos encontrar ejemplos de su …
comúnmente en multitud de campos de la informática. Podemos encontrar ejemplos de su …
[PDF][PDF] A Hierarchy of Tree Edit Distance Measures (Theoretical Computer Science and its Applications)
T Kuboyama, K Shin… - 数理解析研究所講究 …, 2005 - repository.kulib.kyoto-u.ac.jp
The notion of tree edit distance provides aunifying fiamework for measuring ditsance and
finding approximate common patterns between two trees. Adiversity of tree edit distance …
finding approximate common patterns between two trees. Adiversity of tree edit distance …
[PDF][PDF] AHierarchy of Tree Edit Distance Measures
久保山, 申吉浩, 宮原, 哲浩 - 数理解析研究所講究録, 2005 - kurims.kyoto-u.ac.jp
The notion of tree edit distance provides aunifying fiamework for measuring ditsance and
finding approximate common patterns between two trees. Adiversity of tree edit distance …
finding approximate common patterns between two trees. Adiversity of tree edit distance …
A Theoretical Analysis of Tree Edit Distance Measures
T Kuboyama, K Shin, T Miyahara - Information and Media …, 2006 - jstage.jst.go.jp
The notion of the tree edit distance provides a unifying framework for measuring distance
and finding approximate common patterns between two trees. A diversity of tree edit …
and finding approximate common patterns between two trees. A diversity of tree edit …