[HTML][HTML] School-based programmes to reduce and prevent substance use in different age groups: What works for whom? Systematic review and meta-regression …

SA Onrust, R Otten, J Lammers, F Smit - Clinical psychology review, 2016 - Elsevier
Background Findings from systematic reviews and meta-analyses about the effectiveness of
school-based programmes to prevent or reduce substance abuse are inconclusive. We …

[PDF][PDF] Preventing mental, emotional, and behavioral disorders among young people: Progress and possibilities

ME O'Connell, T Boat, KE Warner - 2009 - Citeseer
Preventing Mental, Emotional, and Behavioral Disorders Among Young People: Progress and
Possibilities Page 1 Committee on the Prevention of Mental Disorders and Substance Abuse …

Influence of parent–youth relationship, parental monitoring, and parent substance use on adolescent substance use onset.

JC Rusby, JM Light, R Crowley… - Journal of family …, 2018 - psycnet.apa.org
The quality of parent–child relationships likely influences many decisions and behaviors
made by early adolescents, including their alcohol and marijuana use. We examined how …

Neuropsychosocial profiles of current and future adolescent alcohol misusers

R Whelan, R Watts, CA Orr, RR Althoff, E Artiges… - Nature, 2014 - nature.com
A comprehensive account of the causes of alcohol misuse must accommodate individual
differences in biology, psychology and environment, and must disentangle cause and effect …

Social and emotional learning: Promoting the development of all students

JE Zins, MJ Elias - Journal of Educational and Psychological …, 2007 - Taylor & Francis
High-stakes tests. Substance abuse. Suicide. Academic standards. Delinquency. Media and
technology. Teacher retention. Interpersonal violence. Dropouts. Changes in families. The …

Maximizing the implementation quality of evidence-based preventive interventions in schools: A conceptual framework

CE Domitrovich, CP Bradshaw… - Advances in school …, 2008 - Taylor & Francis
Increased availability of research-supported, school-based prevention programs, coupled
with the growing national policy emphasis on use of evidence-based practices, has …

The prevention of depressive symptoms in children and adolescents: A meta-analytic review.

JL Horowitz, J Garber - Journal of consulting and clinical …, 2006 - psycnet.apa.org
Research on the prevention of depressive symptoms in children and adolescents was
reviewed and synthesized with meta-analysis. When all 30 studies were included, selective …

Reframing school dropout as a public health issue

N Freudenberg, J Ruglis - Preventing chronic disease, 2007 - pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Good education predicts good health, and disparities in health and in educational
achievement are closely linked. Despite these connections, public health professionals …

Handbook of developmental psychopathology

M Lewis, KD Rudolph - 1990 - Springer
When developmental psychologists set forth the theory that the roots of adult
psychopathology could be traced to childhood experience and behavior, the idea quickly …

A systematic review of effective interventions for reducing multiple health risk behaviors in adolescence

DR Hale, N Fitzgerald-Yau… - American journal of …, 2014 - ajph.aphapublications.org
We systematically searched 9 biomedical and social science databases (1980–2012) for
primary and secondary interventions that prevented or reduced 2 or more adolescent health …