Effects of chemical contaminants on the ecology and evolution of organisms a review
Chemical contaminants in the environment have become a growing concern due to their
detrimental effects on the ecology and evolution of organisms. Understanding the impacts of …
detrimental effects on the ecology and evolution of organisms. Understanding the impacts of …
Cities of the Anthropocene: urban sustainability in an eco-evolutionary perspective
Cities across the globe are driving systemic change in social and ecological systems by
accelerating the rates of interactions and intensifying the links between human activities and …
accelerating the rates of interactions and intensifying the links between human activities and …
Psychoactive pollution suppresses individual differences in fish behaviour
Environmental contamination by pharmaceuticals is global, substantially altering crucial
behaviours in animals and impacting on their reproduction and survival. A key question is …
behaviours in animals and impacting on their reproduction and survival. A key question is …
Sensitivity ecology and evolution, toxicology organism assessment model in the use of chemical applications for the management of toxic substances
The sensitivity of organisms to toxic substances is a pivotal facet in ecological and
toxicological research. Understanding differential sensitivity's basis and its evolutionary …
toxicological research. Understanding differential sensitivity's basis and its evolutionary …
Environmental, individual and social traits of free-ranging raccoons influence performance in cognitive testing
Cognitive abilities, such as learning and flexibility, are hypothesized to aid behavioral
adaptation to urbanization. Although growing evidence suggests that cognition may indeed …
adaptation to urbanization. Although growing evidence suggests that cognition may indeed …
Understanding behavioural responses to human‐induced rapid environmental change: a meta‐analysis
Behavioural responses are often the first reaction of an organism to human‐induced rapid
environmental change (HIREC), yet current empirical evidence provides no consensus …
environmental change (HIREC), yet current empirical evidence provides no consensus …
Sex-specific effects of psychoactive pollution on behavioral individuality and plasticity in fish
The global rise of pharmaceutical contaminants in the aquatic environment poses a serious
threat to ecological and evolutionary processes. Studies have traditionally focused on the …
threat to ecological and evolutionary processes. Studies have traditionally focused on the …
Chronic exposure to a pervasive pharmaceutical pollutant erodes among-individual phenotypic variation in a fish
Pharmaceutical pollution is now recognised as a major emerging agent of global change.
Increasingly, pharmaceutical pollutants are documented to disrupt ecologically important …
Increasingly, pharmaceutical pollutants are documented to disrupt ecologically important …
Flexible males, reactive females: faecal glucocorticoid metabolites indicate increased stress in the colonist population, dam** with time in males but not in females
Individuals colonizing new areas at expanding ranges encounter numerous and
unpredictable stressors. Exposure to unfamiliar environments suggests that colonists would …
unpredictable stressors. Exposure to unfamiliar environments suggests that colonists would …
Human protection drives the emergence of a new co** style in animals
Wild animals face novel environmental threats from human activities that may occur along a
gradient of interactions with humans. Recent work has shown that merely living close to …
gradient of interactions with humans. Recent work has shown that merely living close to …