Polynomial chaos-based H2 output-feedback control of systems with probabilistic parametric uncertainties

Y Wan, DE Shen, S Lucia, R Findeisen, RD Braatz - Automatica, 2021‏ - Elsevier
H 2 static and dynamic output-feedback control problems are investigated for linear time-
invariant uncertain systems. The goal is to minimize the averaged H 2 performance in the …

Density estimation in uncertainty propagation problems using a surrogate model

A Ditkowski, G Fibich, A Sagiv - SIAM/ASA Journal on Uncertainty …, 2020‏ - SIAM
The effect of uncertainties and noise on a quantity of interest (model output) is often better
described by its probability density function (PDF) than by its moments. Although density …

Mixed polynomial chaos and worst-case synthesis approach to robust observer based linear quadratic regulation

Y Wan, RD Braatz - 2018 Annual American Control Conference …, 2018‏ - ieeexplore.ieee.org
This paper investigates robust observer-based linear quadratic regulation for uncertain
linear systems with probabilistic parametric uncertainties. The control objective is to …

Polynomial chaos for the design of robust controller with time specifications: a comparison of two approaches

A Added, MB Hariz, F Bouani - International Journal of …, 2021‏ - inderscienceonline.com
This paper deals with the design of a robust controller for stochastic dynamic systems. A new
method is proposed to compute the controller parameters to achieve the desired time …

Robust controller with time specifications for systems with stochastic uncertainties

A Added, MB Hariz, F Bouani - 2019 International Conference …, 2019‏ - ieeexplore.ieee.org
In this paper, the design of a robust controller for systems with stochastic uncertainties is
developed. The main idea is built on the generalized Polynomial Chaos theory, which …