[HTML][HTML] Progress in CFD simulations of fluidized beds for chemical and energy process engineering
Gas-solid fluidized beds have drawn the attention of engineers and researchers as an
effective technology for a large variety of applications, and numerical simulations can play …
effective technology for a large variety of applications, and numerical simulations can play …
Continuum theory for dense gas-solid flow: A state-of-the-art review
Gas-solid fluidization technology has been commercialized in many industrial applications
since its implementation in the fluid catalytic cracking process in the early 1940s, however …
since its implementation in the fluid catalytic cracking process in the early 1940s, however …
[HTML][HTML] Multi-scale numerical simulation of fluidized beds: Model applicability assessment
In the past few decades, multi-scale numerical methods have been developed to model
dense gas-solid flow in fluidized beds with different resolutions, accuracies, and efficiencies …
dense gas-solid flow in fluidized beds with different resolutions, accuracies, and efficiencies …
Multiscale structures in particle–fluid systems: Characterization, modeling, and simulation
This article reviews the general features of the multiscale structures in particle–fluid systems
and the characterization, modeling, and simulation methods for these systems. The …
and the characterization, modeling, and simulation methods for these systems. The …
Numerical simulations on the flow regime characteristics of horizontal pneumatic conveying using CFD-DEM
J Zhou, Y Xu, X Guo, W Cai, X Wei, H Jiang - Powder Technology, 2024 - Elsevier
To elucidate the flow regime characteristics and boundary conditions of gas-solid two-phase
flow in horizontal pipe pneumatic conveying, the flow characteristics were studied based on …
flow in horizontal pipe pneumatic conveying, the flow characteristics were studied based on …
Scale-up effect of residence time distribution of polydisperse particles in continuously operated multiple-chamber fluidized beds
A GPU-based, massively parallel coarse-grained CFD-DEM method was adapted to study
the scale-up effect of residence time distribution of polydisperse particles in continuously …
the scale-up effect of residence time distribution of polydisperse particles in continuously …
Multiscale Eulerian CFD of chemical processes: A review
This review covers the scope of multiscale computational fluid dynamics (CFD), laying the
framework for studying hydrodynamics with and without chemical reactions in single and …
framework for studying hydrodynamics with and without chemical reactions in single and …
Effect of Bubbling/Spouting Behavior on Dynamics of Segregation of Particles with Different Size and Density Ratios
Local bubbling/spouting behavior significantly influences the segregation/mixing of particles
in several chemical and energy generation processes. In the present work, we performed …
in several chemical and energy generation processes. In the present work, we performed …
CPFD study of a full-loop three-dimensional pilot-scale circulating fluidized bed based on EMMS drag model
For the purpose of process optimization and scale-up, coupling energy-minimization multi-
scale (EMMS) drag model with computational particle fluid dynamics (CPFD) is a good …
scale (EMMS) drag model with computational particle fluid dynamics (CPFD) is a good …
Numerical investigation and comparison of coarse grain CFD–DEM and TFM in the case of a 1 MWth fluidized bed carbonator simulation
This work focuses on a comparison between the Euler-Euler Two Fluid Model (TFM)
approach and the coupled coarse grain discrete element CFD-DEM numerical model for the …
approach and the coupled coarse grain discrete element CFD-DEM numerical model for the …