A perspective survey on deep transfer learning for fault diagnosis in industrial scenarios: Theories, applications and challenges
Abstract Deep Transfer Learning (DTL) is a new paradigm of machine learning, which can
not only leverage the advantages of Deep Learning (DL) in feature representation, but also …
not only leverage the advantages of Deep Learning (DL) in feature representation, but also …
[HTML][HTML] A systematic review of rolling bearing fault diagnoses based on deep learning and transfer learning: Taxonomy, overview, application, open challenges …
Rolling bearing fault detection is critical for improving production efficiency and lowering
accident rates in complicated mechanical systems, as well as huge monitoring data, posing …
accident rates in complicated mechanical systems, as well as huge monitoring data, posing …
A survey on deep learning tools dealing with data scarcity: definitions, challenges, solutions, tips, and applications
Data scarcity is a major challenge when training deep learning (DL) models. DL demands a
large amount of data to achieve exceptional performance. Unfortunately, many applications …
large amount of data to achieve exceptional performance. Unfortunately, many applications …
Fault diagnosis in rotating machines based on transfer learning: Literature review
With the emergence of machine learning methods, data-driven fault diagnosis has gained
significant attention in recent years. However, traditional data-driven diagnosis approaches …
significant attention in recent years. However, traditional data-driven diagnosis approaches …
Industrial artificial intelligence in industry 4.0-systematic review, challenges and outlook
The advent of the Industry 4.0 initiative has made it so that manufacturing environments are
becoming more and more dynamic, connected but also inherently more complex, with …
becoming more and more dynamic, connected but also inherently more complex, with …
Intelligent fault diagnosis of machinery using digital twin-assisted deep transfer learning
Digital twin (DT) is emerging as a key technology for smart manufacturing. The high fidelity
DT model of the physical assets can produce system performance data that is close to …
DT model of the physical assets can produce system performance data that is close to …
A systematic review of deep transfer learning for machinery fault diagnosis
With the popularization of the intelligent manufacturing, much attention has been paid in
such intelligent computing methods as deep learning ones for machinery fault diagnosis …
such intelligent computing methods as deep learning ones for machinery fault diagnosis …
A comprehensive review on convolutional neural network in machine fault diagnosis
With the rapid development of manufacturing industry, machine fault diagnosis has become
increasingly significant to ensure safe equipment operation and production. Consequently …
increasingly significant to ensure safe equipment operation and production. Consequently …
Applications of unsupervised deep transfer learning to intelligent fault diagnosis: A survey and comparative study
Recent progress on intelligent fault diagnosis (IFD) has greatly depended on deep
representation learning and plenty of labeled data. However, machines often operate with …
representation learning and plenty of labeled data. However, machines often operate with …
A survey of transfer learning for machinery diagnostics and prognostics
In industrial manufacturing systems, failures of machines caused by faults in their key
components greatly influence operational safety and system reliability. Many data-driven …
components greatly influence operational safety and system reliability. Many data-driven …