Fenomena gegar budaya dan adaptasi budaya mahasiswa Sumatera Utara di Yogyakarta

RS SIREGAR - 2022 - dspace.uii.ac.id
Pindah dan tinggal di tempat yang sebelumnya tidak dikenal mungkin menjadi perhatian
setiap individu karena semua gaya hidup yang dihadapi berbeda dari budaya dan …

Affectivity as Stance: Multimodal Stance-taking in audiovisual documentations of Polish and German parliamentary Debates

C Müller, M Karpiński, C Kindler-Mathôt… - Frontiers in …, 2024 - frontiersin.org
This paper presents a media-aesthetic framework to study affectivity as a stance. This
framework opens up a new perspective on multimodal affective stance-taking in the context …

Teaching communication strategies for the workplace: a multimodal framework

S Hartle, R Facchinetti, V Franceschi - Multimodal Communication, 2022 - degruyter.com
Abstract Recent changes in Higher Education (HE) approaches to content delivery, coupled
with breakthroughs in the Information and Communications Technology field, have led to a …

Gegar budaya dan motivasi belajar pada mahasiswa yang merantau di Kota Makassar

CN Basri, AA Ridha - Psikologika: Jurnal Pemikiran Dan Penelitian …, 2020 - journal.uii.ac.id
Kesulitan beradaptasi di lingkungan baru membuat mahasiswa perantau mengalami gegar
budaya yang menyebabkan motivasi belajar mahasiswa menurun. Penelitian ini bertujuan …

Aspects of gestural alignment in task-oriented dialogues

M Karpiński, A Czoska, E Jarmołowicz-Nowikow… - Cognitive …, 2018 - ceeol.com
Interlocutors in a conversation influence each other in a number of dimensions. This process
may lead to observable changes in their communicative behaviour. The directions and …

[PDF][PDF] Hesitation markers in a corpus of Polish-German, German-German and Polish-Polish task-oriented dialogues in the context of communicative alignment

K Klessa, M Karpiński - The Proceedings of 19th Meeting of Texas …, 2020 - academia.edu
In this study, we investigate the distribution and properties of hesitation markers produced in
task-oriented dialogues by Polish and German teenagers. The material comes from a …

[BOK][B] On Talking Myself Through Moments of Racial Intricacy: An Autoethnographic Analysis of Self-Talk and Inner Dialogue Amid Periods of Race-Induced Critical …

RJ Tucker - 2024 - search.proquest.com
Grounded in my lived experiences as a person of color, this autoethnography investigated
the manner in which I communicate with myself (ie, intrapersonal communication [IaC]) …

Hubungan Antara Interaksi Teman Sebaya Dengan Penyesuaian Sosial Pada Mahasiswa Perantau Angkatan 2023 Asal Sumatera Utara Yang Kuliah Di Banda Aceh

Z Qausarina - 2024 - repository.ar-raniry.ac.id
Mahasiswa perantau sebagai individu yang tinggal di luar daerah asalnya untuk jangka
waktu tertentu guna mengikuti pendidikan tinggi di universitas yang berada di luar daerah …

Gestures on the German-Polish border. An analysis of the 'victory'emblem

V Frankowska - tekst i dykurs-text und diskurs, 2021 - tekst-dyskurs.eu
Gestures play a significant role in your life. The main purpose of this article is to analyse one
type of them–emblems–and to show the ways of the gesture forms on example of the …

Ile jest negowania w negacji?–multimodalna analiza wystąpienia publicznego (pilotażowe badanie z elementami ilościowymi)

S Gembalczyk - Socjolingwistyka, 2019 - socjolingwistyka.ijp.pan.pl
Artykuł omawia pilotażowe badanie pojedynczego wystąpienia publicznego pod względem
multimodalnych przejawów negowania ze szczególnym naciskiem na relacje pomiędzy …