cvc5: A versatile and industrial-strength SMT solver

H Barbosa, C Barrett, M Brain, G Kremer… - … Conference on Tools …, 2022 - Springer
Abstract cvc5 is the latest SMT solver in the cooperating validity checker series and builds
on the successful code base of CVC4. This paper serves as a comprehensive system …

Revisiting enumerative instantiation

A Reynolds, H Barbosa, P Fontaine - … for the Construction and Analysis of …, 2018 - Springer
Formal methods applications often rely on SMT solvers to automatically discharge proof
obligations. SMT solvers handle quantified formulas using incomplete heuristic techniques …

Extending SMT solvers to higher-order logic

H Barbosa, A Reynolds, D El Ouraoui, C Tinelli… - … Deduction–CADE 27 …, 2019 - Springer
SMT solvers have throughout the years been able to cope with increasingly expressive
formulas, from ground logics to full first-order logic (FOL). In contrast, the extension of SMT …

Recursion synthesis with unrealizability witnesses

A Farzan, D Lette, V Nicolet - Proceedings of the 43rd ACM SIGPLAN …, 2022 -
We propose SE2GIS, a novel inductive recursion synthesis approach with the ability to both
synthesize code and declare a problem unsolvable. SE2GIS combines a symbolic variant of …

Scalable fine-grained proofs for formula processing

H Barbosa, JC Blanchette, M Fleury… - Journal of Automated …, 2020 - Springer
We present a framework for processing formulas in automatic theorem provers, with
generation of detailed proofs. The main components are a generic contextual recursion …

Theory exploration powered by deductive synthesis

E Singher, S Itzhaky - … : 33rd International Conference, CAV 2021, Virtual …, 2021 - Springer
This paper presents a symbolic method for automatic theorem generation based on
deductive inference. Many software verification and reasoning tasks require proving …

Clausal congruence closure

A Biere, K Fazekas, M Fleury… - … Conference on Theory …, 2024 -
Many practical applications of satisfiability solving employ multiple steps to encode an
original problem formulation into conjunctive normal form. Often circuits are used as …

[PDF][PDF] Reliable Reconstruction of Fine-grained Proofs in a Proof Assistant.

HJ Schurr, M Fleury, M Desharnais - CADE, 2021 -
We present a fast and reliable reconstruction of proofs generated by the SMT solver veriT in
Isabelle. The fine-grained proof format makes the reconstruction simple and efficient. For …

[PDF][PDF] Dual Proof Generation for Quantified Boolean Formulas with a BDD-based Solver.

RE Bryant, MJH Heule - CADE, 2021 -
Existing proof-generating quantified Boolean formula (QBF) solvers must construct a
different type of proof depending on whether the formula is false (refutation) or true …

[PDF][PDF] Fair and adventurous enumeration of quantifier instantiations

M Janota, H Barbosa, P Fontaine… - 2021 Formal Methods in …, 2021 -
SMT solvers generally tackle quantifiers by instantiating their variables with tuples of terms
from the ground part of the formula. Recent enumerative approaches for quantifier …