cvc5: A versatile and industrial-strength SMT solver
Abstract cvc5 is the latest SMT solver in the cooperating validity checker series and builds
on the successful code base of CVC4. This paper serves as a comprehensive system …
on the successful code base of CVC4. This paper serves as a comprehensive system …
Revisiting enumerative instantiation
Formal methods applications often rely on SMT solvers to automatically discharge proof
obligations. SMT solvers handle quantified formulas using incomplete heuristic techniques …
obligations. SMT solvers handle quantified formulas using incomplete heuristic techniques …
Extending SMT solvers to higher-order logic
SMT solvers have throughout the years been able to cope with increasingly expressive
formulas, from ground logics to full first-order logic (FOL). In contrast, the extension of SMT …
formulas, from ground logics to full first-order logic (FOL). In contrast, the extension of SMT …
Recursion synthesis with unrealizability witnesses
We propose SE2GIS, a novel inductive recursion synthesis approach with the ability to both
synthesize code and declare a problem unsolvable. SE2GIS combines a symbolic variant of …
synthesize code and declare a problem unsolvable. SE2GIS combines a symbolic variant of …
Scalable fine-grained proofs for formula processing
We present a framework for processing formulas in automatic theorem provers, with
generation of detailed proofs. The main components are a generic contextual recursion …
generation of detailed proofs. The main components are a generic contextual recursion …
Theory exploration powered by deductive synthesis
This paper presents a symbolic method for automatic theorem generation based on
deductive inference. Many software verification and reasoning tasks require proving …
deductive inference. Many software verification and reasoning tasks require proving …
Clausal congruence closure
Many practical applications of satisfiability solving employ multiple steps to encode an
original problem formulation into conjunctive normal form. Often circuits are used as …
original problem formulation into conjunctive normal form. Often circuits are used as …
[PDF][PDF] Reliable Reconstruction of Fine-grained Proofs in a Proof Assistant.
HJ Schurr, M Fleury, M Desharnais - CADE, 2021 - library.oapen.org
We present a fast and reliable reconstruction of proofs generated by the SMT solver veriT in
Isabelle. The fine-grained proof format makes the reconstruction simple and efficient. For …
Isabelle. The fine-grained proof format makes the reconstruction simple and efficient. For …
[PDF][PDF] Dual Proof Generation for Quantified Boolean Formulas with a BDD-based Solver.
Existing proof-generating quantified Boolean formula (QBF) solvers must construct a
different type of proof depending on whether the formula is false (refutation) or true …
different type of proof depending on whether the formula is false (refutation) or true …
[PDF][PDF] Fair and adventurous enumeration of quantifier instantiations
SMT solvers generally tackle quantifiers by instantiating their variables with tuples of terms
from the ground part of the formula. Recent enumerative approaches for quantifier …
from the ground part of the formula. Recent enumerative approaches for quantifier …