Progress of the applications of bio-oil
Bio-oil is considered a renewable feedstock for the production of energy, fuels, chemicals
and carbon materials. These specifically include the direct combustion of bio-oil as a boiler …
and carbon materials. These specifically include the direct combustion of bio-oil as a boiler …
Non-fuel applications of bio-oil for sustainability in management of bioresources
Biomass valorization by thermochemical conversion method is a promising and intriguing
pathway due to the flexibility of utilizing a diverse group of biomass and biowastes, specific …
pathway due to the flexibility of utilizing a diverse group of biomass and biowastes, specific …
Aluminium production process: from Hall–Héroult to modern smelters
This article gives a brief overview of the history of modern aluminium production, which
started with the invention of electrowinning of dissolved aluminium oxide in molten cryolite …
started with the invention of electrowinning of dissolved aluminium oxide in molten cryolite …
Bio-pitch as a binder in carbon anodes for aluminum production: Bio-pitch properties and its interaction with coke particles
Aluminium industry depends today on only the coal-tar-pitch as a binder to produce carbon
anodes. However, it becomes difficult to secure a high-quality binder for the future needs of …
anodes. However, it becomes difficult to secure a high-quality binder for the future needs of …
Biopitch as a binder for carbon anodes: Impact on carbon anode properties
Aluminum industry depends on coal-tar-pitch as a binder to produce carbon anodes used for
aluminum electrolysis. This binder is nonrenewable and mainly composed of polycyclic …
aluminum electrolysis. This binder is nonrenewable and mainly composed of polycyclic …
Synthesis and Characterization of Bio-pitch from Bio-oil
Y Lu, D Li, X Huang, D Picard… - ACS Sustainable …, 2020 - ACS Publications
Coal-tar-pitch (CTP) is a fossil carbon material, currently used as a the binder in carbon
anode manufacturing process. Regardless of the technical benefits of coal-tar-pitch, it …
anode manufacturing process. Regardless of the technical benefits of coal-tar-pitch, it …
Properties of bio-pitch and its wettability on coke
Bio-pitch, driven from biomass, is a potential green alternative of coal-tar-pitch in the
production of carbon anodes for the aluminum electrolysis process. Information on the …
production of carbon anodes for the aluminum electrolysis process. Information on the …
Biochar as an additive to modify biopitch binder for carbon anodes
Looking for alternative materials to coal-tar pitch (CTP), as a binder in anode manufacturing,
in aluminum production is of great interest. Such a material should be able to mitigate the …
in aluminum production is of great interest. Such a material should be able to mitigate the …
Interactions in co-pyrolysis of Salicornia bigelovii and heavy fuel oil
The interactions in the co-pyrolysis of biomass from Salicornia bigelovii (SB) with heavy fuel
oil (HFO) were studied through an investigation of the yields, kinetics, and the quality of bio …
oil (HFO) were studied through an investigation of the yields, kinetics, and the quality of bio …
Biocarbon in the aluminium industry: a review
S Senanu, A Solheim - Light Metals 2021: 50th Anniversary Edition, 2021 - Springer
Reduced fossil carbon footprint is currently a hot topic in the metal-producing industries.
Replacement of fossil carbon with bio-based equivalents is thus an important topic also for …
Replacement of fossil carbon with bio-based equivalents is thus an important topic also for …