Gallium, germanium, indium, and other trace and minor elements in sphalerite as a function of deposit type—A meta-analysis
While a significant amount of analytical data on trace and minor element concentrations in
sphalerite has been collected over the last six decades, no meta-analysis of this data has …
sphalerite has been collected over the last six decades, no meta-analysis of this data has …
The chemistry of hydrothermal magnetite: A review
Abstract Magnetite (Fe 3 O 4) is a well-recognized petrogenetic indicator and is a common
accessory mineral in many ore deposits and their host rocks. Recent years have seen an …
accessory mineral in many ore deposits and their host rocks. Recent years have seen an …
Orogenic gold: is a genetic association with magmatism realistic?
Many workers accept a metamorphic model for orogenic gold ore formation, where a gold-
bearing aqueous-carbonic fluid is an inherent product of devolatilization across the …
bearing aqueous-carbonic fluid is an inherent product of devolatilization across the …
Skarn zonation of the giant Jiama Cu-Mo-Au deposit in southern Tibet, SW China
Jiama is a giant skarn-porphyry deposit in southern Tibet, southwestern China. It is the
largest Cu (~ 7.4 Mt), second largest Au (~ 208 t), and fourth largest Mo (~ 0.62 Mt) skarn …
largest Cu (~ 7.4 Mt), second largest Au (~ 208 t), and fourth largest Mo (~ 0.62 Mt) skarn …
Apatite trace element compositions: A robust new tool for mineral exploration
M Mao, AS Rukhlov, SM Rowins… - Economic …, 2016 -
Apatites from the major types of mainly magmatic-hydrothermal mineral deposits (30
localities, mostly in British Columbia, Canada) together with apatites from carbonatites (29 …
localities, mostly in British Columbia, Canada) together with apatites from carbonatites (29 …
Porphyry copper systems
RH Sillitoe - Economic geology, 2010 -
Porphyry Cu systems host some of the most widely distributed mineralization types at
convergent plate boundaries, including porphyry deposits centered on intrusions; skarn …
convergent plate boundaries, including porphyry deposits centered on intrusions; skarn …
Geology and metallogeny of tungsten and tin deposits in China
Tungsten and Sn deposits in China are widely distributed in the South China block (ie,
Yangtze craton-Cathaysian block), Himalaya, Tibetan, Sanjiang, Kunlun, Qilian, Qinling …
Yangtze craton-Cathaysian block), Himalaya, Tibetan, Sanjiang, Kunlun, Qilian, Qinling …
Phanerozoic continental growth and gold metallogeny of Asia
The Asian continent formed during the past 800 my during late Neoproterozoic through
Jurassic closure of the Tethyan ocean basins, followed by late Mesozoic circum-Pacific and …
Jurassic closure of the Tethyan ocean basins, followed by late Mesozoic circum-Pacific and …
[PDF][PDF] 13.5–Fluid inclusions in hydrothermal ore deposits
Formation of hydrothermal ore deposits requires a fluid with the capability to transport and
deposit metals, and the sources and physical and chemical characteristics of these …
deposit metals, and the sources and physical and chemical characteristics of these …
Magmatic to hydrothermal metal fluxes in convergent and collided margins
JP Richards - Ore Geology Reviews, 2011 - Elsevier
Metals such as Cu, Mo, Au, Sn, and W in porphyry and related epithermal mineral deposits
are derived predominantly from the associated magmas, via magmatic–hydrothermal fluids …
are derived predominantly from the associated magmas, via magmatic–hydrothermal fluids …