Gallium, germanium, indium, and other trace and minor elements in sphalerite as a function of deposit type—A meta-analysis

M Frenzel, T Hirsch, J Gutzmer - Ore Geology Reviews, 2016 - Elsevier
While a significant amount of analytical data on trace and minor element concentrations in
sphalerite has been collected over the last six decades, no meta-analysis of this data has …

The chemistry of hydrothermal magnetite: A review

P Nadoll, T Angerer, JL Mauk, D French, J Walshe - Ore geology reviews, 2014 - Elsevier
Abstract Magnetite (Fe 3 O 4) is a well-recognized petrogenetic indicator and is a common
accessory mineral in many ore deposits and their host rocks. Recent years have seen an …

Orogenic gold: is a genetic association with magmatism realistic?

RJ Goldfarb, I Pitcairn - Mineralium Deposita, 2023 - Springer
Many workers accept a metamorphic model for orogenic gold ore formation, where a gold-
bearing aqueous-carbonic fluid is an inherent product of devolatilization across the …

Skarn zonation of the giant Jiama Cu-Mo-Au deposit in southern Tibet, SW China

Q Shu, J Deng, Z Chang, Q Wang, X Niu… - Economic …, 2024 -
Jiama is a giant skarn-porphyry deposit in southern Tibet, southwestern China. It is the
largest Cu (~ 7.4 Mt), second largest Au (~ 208 t), and fourth largest Mo (~ 0.62 Mt) skarn …

Apatite trace element compositions: A robust new tool for mineral exploration

M Mao, AS Rukhlov, SM Rowins… - Economic …, 2016 -
Apatites from the major types of mainly magmatic-hydrothermal mineral deposits (30
localities, mostly in British Columbia, Canada) together with apatites from carbonatites (29 …

Porphyry copper systems

RH Sillitoe - Economic geology, 2010 -
Porphyry Cu systems host some of the most widely distributed mineralization types at
convergent plate boundaries, including porphyry deposits centered on intrusions; skarn …

Geology and metallogeny of tungsten and tin deposits in China

J Mao, H Ouyang, S Song, M Santosh, S Yuan, Z Zhou… - 2019 -
Tungsten and Sn deposits in China are widely distributed in the South China block (ie,
Yangtze craton-Cathaysian block), Himalaya, Tibetan, Sanjiang, Kunlun, Qilian, Qinling …

Phanerozoic continental growth and gold metallogeny of Asia

RJ Goldfarb, RD Taylor, GS Collins, NA Goryachev… - Gondwana …, 2014 - Elsevier
The Asian continent formed during the past 800 my during late Neoproterozoic through
Jurassic closure of the Tethyan ocean basins, followed by late Mesozoic circum-Pacific and …

[PDF][PDF] 13.5–Fluid inclusions in hydrothermal ore deposits

RJ Bodnar, P Lecumberri-Sanchez… - Treatise on …, 2014 -
Formation of hydrothermal ore deposits requires a fluid with the capability to transport and
deposit metals, and the sources and physical and chemical characteristics of these …

Magmatic to hydrothermal metal fluxes in convergent and collided margins

JP Richards - Ore Geology Reviews, 2011 - Elsevier
Metals such as Cu, Mo, Au, Sn, and W in porphyry and related epithermal mineral deposits
are derived predominantly from the associated magmas, via magmatic–hydrothermal fluids …