A brief review on microgrids: Operation, applications, modeling, and control
G Shahgholian - International Transactions on Electrical …, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
Microgrid is an important and necessary component of smart grid development. It is a small‐
scale power system with distributed energy resources. To realize the distributed generation …
scale power system with distributed energy resources. To realize the distributed generation …
[HTML][HTML] New trends and future directions in load frequency control and flexible power system: A comprehensive review
In recent years, the conventional power system is becoming a hybrid power system with
increments in the interconnection of Renewable Energy (RE) sources, High Voltage Direct …
increments in the interconnection of Renewable Energy (RE) sources, High Voltage Direct …
Solar and wind energy integrated system frequency control: A critical review on recent developments
A paradigm shift in power systems is observed due to the massive integration of renewable
energy sources (RESs) as distributed generators. Mainly, solar photovoltaic (PV) panels and …
energy sources (RESs) as distributed generators. Mainly, solar photovoltaic (PV) panels and …
[HTML][HTML] Improving load frequency control performance in interconnected power systems with a new optimal high degree of freedom cascaded FOTPID-TIDF controller
The low inertia of electrical power networks as renewable energy penetration levels
increase is regarded as a significant issue confronting worldwide ambitions for the …
increase is regarded as a significant issue confronting worldwide ambitions for the …
Recent methodology based Harris Hawks optimizer for designing load frequency control incorporated in multi-interconnected renewable energy plants
This paper proposes a reliable approach-based Harris Hawks Optimizer (HHO) to evaluate
the optimal parameters of the Proportional–Integral (PI) controller simulating load frequency …
the optimal parameters of the Proportional–Integral (PI) controller simulating load frequency …
Survey on microgrids frequency regulation: Modeling and control systems
The traditional power system structure is constantly changing due to the application of
renewable energy sources (RESs) and microgrids (MGs) into the power system network …
renewable energy sources (RESs) and microgrids (MGs) into the power system network …
Optimal fuzzy PIDF load frequency controller for hybrid microgrid system using marine predator algorithm
This paper presents a fully optimized fuzzy proportional-integral-derivative with filter (FPIDF)
load frequency controller (LFC) for enhancing the performance of a hybrid microgrid system …
load frequency controller (LFC) for enhancing the performance of a hybrid microgrid system …
Recent approach based movable damped wave algorithm for designing fractional-order PID load frequency control installed in multi-interconnected plants with …
In multi-interconnected power system, kee** the changes in frequencies and tie-line
powers at their specified values is vital process especially during operation under load …
powers at their specified values is vital process especially during operation under load …
An effective cascade control strategy for frequency regulation of renewable energy based hybrid power system with energy storage system
Frequency deviations occur when load frequency control (LFC) is incompetent to bridge the
gap between supply and demand. Thus, this paper presents the effective (1+ TD)-TID …
gap between supply and demand. Thus, this paper presents the effective (1+ TD)-TID …
A state of art review on the opportunities in automatic generation control of hybrid power system
Load and generation must be balanced for the system to be stable, which implies frequency
deviation must be minimal. Whenever load perturbation takes place in the network …
deviation must be minimal. Whenever load perturbation takes place in the network …