Lyapunov-based neural network model predictive control using metaheuristic optimization approach
This research introduces a new technique to control constrained nonlinear systems, named
Lyapunov-based neural network model predictive control using a metaheuristic optimization …
Lyapunov-based neural network model predictive control using a metaheuristic optimization …
Enhancing battery management for HEVs and EVs: A hybrid approach for parameter identification and voltage estimation in lithium-ion battery models
In recent years, batteries have evolved increasingly overall in numerous applications.
Among batteries, LIBs are the most advantageous technology because of their raised power …
Among batteries, LIBs are the most advantageous technology because of their raised power …
A hierarchical deep learning approach to optimizing voltage and frequency control in networked microgrid systems
Distributed energy sources (DERs) and microgrids (MGs) will play an important role in
improving the resilience, reliability and sustainability of the grid through dedicated …
improving the resilience, reliability and sustainability of the grid through dedicated …
[HTML][HTML] Improved robust model predictive control for PMSM using backstep** control and incorporating integral action with experimental validation
The DC motor is being rapidly replaced in the industry by the permanent magnet
synchronous motor (PMSM), which has a number of benefits over it. Nonlinear equations are …
synchronous motor (PMSM), which has a number of benefits over it. Nonlinear equations are …
Performance evaluation of PUC7‐based multifunction single‐phase solar active filter in real outdoor environments: Experimental insights
This paper presents a novel architecture to enhance the performance of grid‐connected
photovoltaic (PV) systems through the introduction of several key novelties. Firstly, a packed …
photovoltaic (PV) systems through the introduction of several key novelties. Firstly, a packed …
Extreme learning machine‐based super‐twisting integral terminal sliding mode speed control of permanent magnet synchronous motors
This article proposes an extreme learning machine (ELM)‐based super‐twisting integral
terminal sliding mode control (STITSMC) for speed regulation of a permanent magnet …
terminal sliding mode control (STITSMC) for speed regulation of a permanent magnet …
Optimal design of a novel modified electric eel foraging optimization (MEEFO) based super twisting sliding mode controller for controlling the speed of a switched …
Abstract Switched Reluctance Motor (SRM) has a very high potential for adjustable speed
drive operation due to their cost-effectiveness, high efficiency, robustness, simplicity, etc …
drive operation due to their cost-effectiveness, high efficiency, robustness, simplicity, etc …
Maximum Power Extraction in Photovoltaic Systems Using High‐Performance Adaptive Control Approach
The nonlinearities present in photovoltaic (PV) generator models can significantly impact the
performance of PV systems, leading to decreased system efficiency and reduced …
performance of PV systems, leading to decreased system efficiency and reduced …
Passivity-based Control of PMSM Servo System with Load Torque Adaptation: Theoretical and Experimental Validation
A passivity-based control (PBC) technique is proposed to overcome the speed tracking
issue of the permanent magnet synchronous motors (PMSM). This approach offers a notable …
issue of the permanent magnet synchronous motors (PMSM). This approach offers a notable …
Performance evaluation of various electric vehicle drive systems in energy efficient grid integrated renewable systems
The rapidly develo** electric vehicle markets sets up a huge platform on electric motors
demand, within this market there is a huge trend in electric motor control strategies and the …
demand, within this market there is a huge trend in electric motor control strategies and the …