Using pedotransfer functions to estimate the van Genuchten–Mualem soil hydraulic properties: A review
We reviewed the use of the van Genuchten–Mualem (VGM) model to parameterize soil
hydraulic properties and for develo** pedotransfer functions (PTFs). Analysis of literature …
hydraulic properties and for develo** pedotransfer functions (PTFs). Analysis of literature …
Predicting soil properties in the tropics
It is practically impossible to measure soil properties continuously at each location across
the globe. Therefore, it is necessary to have robust systems that can predict soil properties at …
the globe. Therefore, it is necessary to have robust systems that can predict soil properties at …
Development of a China dataset of soil hydraulic parameters using pedotransfer functions for land surface modeling
The objective of this study is to develop a dataset of the soil hydraulic parameters associated
with two empirical soil functions (ie, a water retention curve and hydraulic conductivity) using …
with two empirical soil functions (ie, a water retention curve and hydraulic conductivity) using …
Monitoring vegetative drought dynamics in the Brazilian semiarid region
Drought is a complex natural phenomenon that can lead to reduced water supplies and can
consequently have substantial effects on agriculture and socioeconomic activities that cause …
consequently have substantial effects on agriculture and socioeconomic activities that cause …
Determinants of Field‐Saturated Soil Hydraulic Conductivity Across Sub‐Saharan Africa: Texture and Beyond
Soil infiltration is critical for water security and related ecosystem services. This infiltration,
the ability of soils to absorb water at their surface, is controlled by the soil hydraulic …
the ability of soils to absorb water at their surface, is controlled by the soil hydraulic …
Hydraulic properties of peat soils along a bulk density gradient—A meta study
Our understanding of hydraulic properties of peat soils is limited compared with that of
mineral substrates. In this study, we aimed to deduce possible alterations of hydraulic …
mineral substrates. In this study, we aimed to deduce possible alterations of hydraulic …
[ספר][B] Development of pedotransfer functions in soil hydrology
Y Pachepsky, WJ Rawls - 2004 - books.google.com
Environmental and agricultural modeling and assessment have a multitude of uses for soil
parameters governing retention and transport of water and chemicals in soils. These …
parameters governing retention and transport of water and chemicals in soils. These …
Pedotransfer functions for estimating soil hydraulic properties: A review
Abstract Characterization of soil hydraulic properties is important to environment
management; however, it is well recognized that it is laborious, time-consuming and …
management; however, it is well recognized that it is laborious, time-consuming and …
Influence of organic matter on the estimation of saturated hydraulic conductivity
Estimation of soil hydraulic properties by pedotransfer functions (PTFs) can be used in many
applications. Some of existing PTFs estimate saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ks) of the soil …
applications. Some of existing PTFs estimate saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ks) of the soil …
Hydrophysical database for Brazilian soils (HYBRAS) and pedotransfer functions for water retention
Core Ideas We propose a Hydrophysical Database for Brazilian Soils (HYBRAS). Data in
HYBRAS comprise 445 soil profiles, with 1075 samples of Brazilian soils. We compared the …
HYBRAS comprise 445 soil profiles, with 1075 samples of Brazilian soils. We compared the …