A meta-analysis of the effects of E-books on students' mathematics achievement
The 21st century allows the use of e-books to substitute printed books in educational
context, thereby adapt teaching and learning to the potentialities of our digital era. Several …
context, thereby adapt teaching and learning to the potentialities of our digital era. Several …
[PDF][PDF] Using hawgent dynamic mathematic software in teaching trigonometry
TT Wijaya, Z Ying, A Purnama - International Journal of Emerging …, 2020 - learntechlib.org
Learning media is a help assistant for students to understand mathematics concept.
Sometimes textbooks are very boring and not interesting therefore an innovation using a …
Sometimes textbooks are very boring and not interesting therefore an innovation using a …
[PDF][PDF] Develo** a Math Textbook using realistic Mathematics Education Approach to increase elementary students' learning motivation
This study aims to develop an appropriate and practical math textbook in the unit of the
Least Common Multiple (LCM) and the Greatest Common Divisor (GCD) using Realistic …
Least Common Multiple (LCM) and the Greatest Common Divisor (GCD) using Realistic …
[PDF][PDF] Improving student creative thinking ability with problem based learning approach using hawgent dynamic mathematics software
The main problem in this study is the lack of mathematical creative thinking abilities of
elementary school students in Cimahi, Indonesia. This lack of mathematical creative thinking …
elementary school students in Cimahi, Indonesia. This lack of mathematical creative thinking …
Using hawgent dynamic mathematics software in teaching arithmetic operation
S Lin, Y Zhou, TT Wijaya - International Journal of Education and …, 2020 - pubs2.ascee.org
Dynamic learning software is an auxiliary tool to help students understand the mathematical
operation process. Sometimes the calculation methods of textbooks are dull and boring, an …
operation process. Sometimes the calculation methods of textbooks are dull and boring, an …
The effectiveness of augmented reality-assisted scientific approach to improve mathematical creative thinking ability of elementary school students
This study aims to determine the effectiveness of the scientific approach assisted by
augmented reality in improving students' mathematical creative thinking ability. This …
augmented reality in improving students' mathematical creative thinking ability. This …
[PDF][PDF] The Hungry Ant: Development of Video-Based Learning on Polyhedron.
A polyhedron is a mathematical material studied from elementary to high school levels. At
the elementary level, fundamental polyhedron significantly influences students' ability to …
the elementary level, fundamental polyhedron significantly influences students' ability to …
[PDF][PDF] Analisis buku siswa matematika sma dari indonesia dan china pada materi peluang dan statistik
A Purnama, TT Wijaya, SN Dewi… - Jurnal Cendekia: Jurnal …, 2020 - academia.edu
Buku pelajaran menjadi salah satu peranan penting dalam meningkatkan kemampuan
matematis dan hasil belajar siswa. penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis konten pada …
matematis dan hasil belajar siswa. penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis konten pada …
[PDF][PDF] Analisis kesalahan siswa SMP kelas VIII dalam menyelesaikan soal pada materi teorema pythagoras
R Rina, M Bernard - Jurnal Cendekia: Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika, 2021 - academia.edu
Penelitian ini dijalankan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui dan mendiskripsikan sejumlah
kesalahan yang dilakukan oleh para siswa dalam melakukan penyelesaian soal teorema …
kesalahan yang dilakukan oleh para siswa dalam melakukan penyelesaian soal teorema …
[PDF][PDF] The current situation and prospect of study quality evaluation research in china in the last 10 years
W Aixia, Z Ying, TT Wijaya - Edukatif: Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan, 2020 - core.ac.uk
With the deepening of China's educational reform, the evaluation of teaching quality has
become an important aspect of teaching reform. And the evaluation of students' learning …
become an important aspect of teaching reform. And the evaluation of students' learning …